New 'Mystery Widget' Can Fix Economy

"There is a product available, something the government can sell, that can repair the economy nearly overnight - it can generate money for the government faster than any tax, and it will not compete with any other industry" that according to Economist Zane Durant, of the Maui Institute for Higher Learning.

This "secret widget" can create new jobs in all sectors from farming to medicine. It can be converted into a fuel to power our cars and heat our homes, or it can be turned into a food to feed the hungry. It can be made into a sturdy textile and a thousand other things - so money can be made with this "secret widget".

Economist Durant said "We have to admit that we are in the worst economic situation since the depression. Something must be done to pay down the debt, pay for healthcare, pay for two wars, pay for rebuilding the infrastructure.

We need money; and not just funny money that we print", "The U.S. Government knows about this wonderful little widget, how producing it will not only raise hundreds of Billions of dollars every year, but it will also generate new jobs, reduce overcrowding in jails, and provide medical care".

Durant said, "American's have one thing in mind now, fixing the economy. To fix it, we need cheap fuel for our cars, we need to raise money to pay for education projects, and health care, and to cover wall street and the mortgage industry"

"All this can be paid for with this wonderful little product" the economist asked, "why don't we use this little mystery product to heat our homes, power our cars, and pay off the debt? Because its pot, marijuana, the wacky weed.

But, Marijuana is not the devil's weed, it is not he*oin, and it is not addictive. It can be legalized, freeing up space in jail for real criminals, it can be used as medicine for cancer and pain management, it can be taxed as a cordial or processed into fuel, we can fly planes on it, actually we could make planes out of it. "Marijuana can raise billions of dollars in tax money, and retrieve trillions from the black market", Durant said.

We can create brand new industries that grow it. Then there's processing into thousands of different objects, all of which can be taxed. "There is hemp food, and clothing, and paper, etc. It will end our dependence on Middle Eastern Oil in less than 5 years, which in and of itself can change the world as we know it"

Help spread the word about "the widget" - talk about how it can help the economy before you talk about its name. Durant suggests "seriously thinking about this as a plausible answer to today's crisis. Call your Congressman or the White House and suggest "the widget".

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Copyright: 2009
Website: New 'Mystery Widget' Can Fix Economy
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