New Member from California with first grow update


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone-
First post, but long time lurker. Relatively new medical marijuana user and first time grower. I am in week 4 of flowering my first grow after obsessing over online research and reading. Thanks to everyone for posting such helpful information. I clearly didn't pay enough attention to the germination phase, so the Critical Kush was the only survivor of the three types of seeds that I germinated. With a little more attention to detail and timing, I can definitely get better here. (As it turns out, indica dominant strains seem to work best for my condition, so the failure of my Sativa dominant strains wasn't really a bad outcome). Next batch will be focused on high CBD strains as I work on finding the perfect strain for me.

A little eye candy with my first grow...Barney's Critical Kush. I have read about different phenotypes for this strain, so I do have some concern that those leaves may be more "sativa-ish". Please pardon my ignorance as everything is new to me, but some sativa tends to enhance panic attacks for me.

Equipment: 3x3 Secret Jardin tent, 400 watt HPS for flowering 12/12, 400 watt MH for veg 24/7. Soil is a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and Vermfire with extra Vermiculite added for drainage. I used tap water and RO chloramine in my tap water, but I let the chlorine dissipate for a few hours. I kept these in veg mode for a long time (didn't keep track) as I was trying to time my flowering for when I would be home (my timer would not work with ballast....needed a new one) and I had fewer plants than planned, so I wanted to fill the space with buds. For a first grow, these Critical Kush seeds have been easy so far, and they cloned well too!! Pulled 5 clones off these plants and 4 survived and are growing well. I use Humboldt nutes (Master A&B) and now Humboldt Bloom in the flowering phase. Will likely start flushing in 2 weeks for harvest in 4. Anxiously awaiting my first sample, but going to give these babies enough time to mature and I have a microscope anxiously awaiting some nice amber triches. I have primarily watched PH, strictly watched light timing (to avoid hermies) and maintained a light feeding schedule and the plants have done the rest. Super easy as I said!!!

Thanks again for all of the help from the seasoned growers!!! I could not have gotten this far without all of the shared guidance.






My only concern - some yellow spotting with 4 weeks to go. Watching PH closely, but not going to do anything too drastic with only 4 weeks to go. I don't have all of the fancy equipment to test everything, but I am planning a full RO flush (at 7 PH) later this week to see if that helps and then adding some new nutes.

Thanks for the fantastic introduction Twalte, and welcome to :420: :welcome:

Since you are a longtime lurker you probably already know about the
New Member Start Links and FAQs areas.

Your girls are looking great! I'm at 4 weeks to go also (for most of my strains) :)

Welcome to :420: Twalte. You have a very nice set up over there and ur ladies are looking good. In my experience the best way to get assistance on grow issues is to start a grow journal. If you're not up for it I would say visit some other journals and possible find someone growing the same strain. Again. Welcome to the wonderful world of 420Mag
Wow….just found my introductory post from 2014. I’ve been away from this site for a while, but I’m glad to be back. I’m now a medical patient in Missouri….a state that just approved recreational cannabis too.

Here’s my current grow….2 Nirvana Blue Dream at flowering week 8. I am using a SCROG with two plants in a small 2x4 grow tent. Lighting is a 320 watt Timber 3vl COB light. (Old school!). I’m currently watching trichomes and guessing that I will harvest in 1-2 more weeks.

I’m also testing UV lighting this time. I’ve been running four 10-minutes sessions per day of Agromax Pure UV lighting. Moving to four 12-minutes sessions this week. UV doesn’t reflect off Mylar walls, so some of the colas are not getting UV exposure.

Anyway, hello to everyone at 420 Magazine. See you around the forums…..





Welcome back @Twalte

I see you have a nice grow going, :welldone:
Will you be playing with us this time around? :rofl:

Here's some helpful info.

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Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

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And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Thank you for the nice welcome Tok….I’ll read up on the latest rules and hope to contribute where I can.
Wow….just found my introductory post from 2014. I’ve been away from this site for a while, but I’m glad to be back. I’m now a medical patient in Missouri….a state that just approved recreational cannabis too.

Here’s my current grow….2 Nirvana Blue Dream at flowering week 8. I am using a SCROG with two plants in a small 2x4 grow tent. Lighting is a 320 watt Timber 3vl COB light. (Old school!). I’m currently watching trichomes and guessing that I will harvest in 1-2 more weeks.

I’m also testing UV lighting this time. I’ve been running four 10-minutes sessions per day of Agromax Pure UV lighting. Moving to four 12-minutes sessions this week. UV doesn’t reflect off Mylar walls, so some of the colas are not getting UV exposure.

Anyway, hello to everyone at 420 Magazine. See you around the forums…..





Awesome :yahoo:
So glad your still growing and doing well.
Happy to see you again my friend. :high-five:
Hope you get a journal going for that beautiful garden.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Awesome :yahoo:
So glad your still growing and doing well.
Happy to see you again my friend. :high-five:
Hope you get a journal going for that beautiful garden.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks @Bill284 ! I’m just starting up a few new seeds….so I may get a grow journal going for them. I enjoy the daily photo shoots.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

All the Best!!
Thanks @Bill284 ! I’m just starting up a few new seeds….so I may get a grow journal going for them. I enjoy the daily photo shoots.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

All the Best!!
Tag me for that journal. :high-five:
If I can help with anything let me know. :thumb:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Please pardon my ignorance as everything is new to me, but some sativa tends to enhance panic attacks for me
@Twalte , welcome to the club.
Upon reading your introduction I got a kick out of your statement about sativa and panic attacks. My lovely wife has the same reaction to sativa. I've learned a long time ago to keep high octane sativa away from her, or mix some indica with it to keep here from being a total bit_h for a few hours.
Glad you joined and looking froward to seeing you again.
@Twalte , welcome to the club.
Upon reading your introduction I got a kick out of your statement about sativa and panic attacks. My lovely wife has the same reaction to sativa. I've learned a long time ago to keep high octane sativa away from her, or mix some indica with it to keep here from being a total bit_h for a few hours.
Glad you joined and looking froward to seeing you again.
I find a daily dose of CBD will eliminate that issue.
I had a problem with both indicas and Sativas when I started smoking again after a 25 year break.
Cbd reversed the panicked anxiety it gave me.
Now I use everything daily and enjoy the health benefits without issues.
Just 2 cents.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I find a daily dose of CBD will eliminate that issue.
I had a problem with both indicas and Sativas when I started smoking again after a 25 year break.
Cbd reversed the panicked anxiety it gave me.
Now I use everything daily and enjoy the health benefits without issues.
Just 2 cents.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Bill, that's interesting and thanks for the idea....tell me more about that CBD you are referring too.
Always glad to know your 2 cents worth of knowledge.
@Twalte , welcome to the club.
Upon reading your introduction I got a kick out of your statement about sativa and panic attacks. My lovely wife has the same reaction to sativa. I've learned a long time ago to keep high octane sativa away from her, or mix some indica with it to keep here from being a total bit_h for a few hours.
Glad you joined and looking froward to seeing you again.
I find a daily dose of CBD will eliminate that issue.
I had a problem with both indicas and Sativas when I started smoking again after a 25 year break.
Cbd reversed the panicked anxiety it gave me.
Now I use everything daily and enjoy the health benefits without issues.
Just 2 cents.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Great points! Thank you!
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