New Jersey Horticulturalist


420 Member
Hey y'all! New to the community here and been eagerly awaiting an opportunity to jump into the cannabis industry in the state of New Jersey ! Been a Horticulturalist for landscape design companies the past few years and am realizing this IS NOT where I wanna be. I'd love some insight or any advice as to where to even begin. Obviously NJ is not recreational yet, only medicinal , but id absolutely love to jump into it and start learning the mass scale cultivation and one day be a head grower. I've grown plenty in the past, just need some direction for getting my foot into the door!! Always lookin for a good chat so feel free to holler at me!
Welcome Coop to 420 magazine. I have two items below on my post for new members and our sponsors to get you started and fill your grow room from seed to harvest .
Welcome @Coop2390 ! I like to keep up to date on whats what in the legalization of other states so you peaked my interest and I'm up late because I think my first batch of weed oil is working good! So...current information on

"The 2019 Request for Applications period closed on 8/22 at 3:00 p.m. ET. The Department is no longer accepting applications for Alternative Treatment Centers.

Six businesses have been selected to apply for permits to open new medical marijuana dispensaries. Two applicants were chosen for the north, central and southern parts of the state, ensuring patients have better access to pain-relieving medicine. Before receiving approval to grow medical marijuana, the chosen applicants now must pass background checks, provide evidence of a dispensary location and municipal approval, and comply with all regulations under the Division of Medical Marijuana, including safety and security requirements. DOH has made winning RFA applications available for public review. "

Looks like 6 spots will be hiring! Sounds like you have the perfect background to hit them up for a shot yeah? CHeers and GL! :yahoo:
Maybe consider returning for some refresher courses specifically on large scale growing and harvesting of Marijuana. Here in Michigan there are now college courses geared just for the commercial growing.

Been a Horticulturalist for landscape design companies the past few years and am realizing this IS NOT where I wanna be.
Just a thought but if the commercial growing turns out to also be not where you wanna be then maybe the design of residential gardens for those who want to legally grow a few plants. Talk about customized growing. ;)
Not a bad idea, I know of a few co. who will come to your house and set everything up for u.
Beats digging a ditch, I’ll bet u would meet some very grateful people glad to see u. U know those
Yuppie type that are book smart without any common sense or mechanical app. Just Doing it cause it’s popular now. Lol
Not a bad idea, I know of a few co. who will come to your house and set everything up for u.
Beats digging a ditch, I’ll bet u would meet some very grateful people glad to see u. U know those
Yuppie type that are book smart without any common sense or mechanical app. Just Doing it cause it’s popular now. Lol

I hate that. I also feel like dispensaries have more precessional smokers than they do people that actually know the history.

it’s fun walking in. No doubt there is “cookies”.

nobody has a clue as to what I’m asking when I ask what cut it is lol
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