New Hampshire House Considering Decriminalizing Marijuana

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
New Hampshire’s House is considering decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults.

Wednesday’s vote will come seven months after Gov. John Lynch vetoed a bill that would have legalized medical use of the drug. Lynch also opposes the new House bill to allow adults to possess one-quarter ounce or less of the substance; the bill does not address medical use.

Anyone under age 18 caught with one-quarter ounce or less would be subject to a $200 fine. The youth’s parents would be notified and he or she would have to complete a drug awareness program and community service within one year of the violation. Failing to comply would result in a $1,000 fine.

The bill also would decriminalize transporting less than one-quarter ounce of marijuana.

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• Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
I find it confusing that this bill is being introduced 7mo. after medical was vetoed but wouldn't it set a great precedent? I read an article on here that raised the issue that getting recreational use legalized may become more difficult if medical use is legalized due to the strict regulation of controlled substances used in pharmaceuticals. It seems to be a good point and makes me wonder if we are shooting ourselves in the foot with seeking MMJ as a step in total decriminalization. Does anyone have opinions on this? I hope this isn't considered off topic, I'm just curious what other people think.:peace:
after reading the other article i tend to agree but at the same time i'm glad for whatever help those in medical need are getting right now. ultimately i'm for re-legalization. i feel conflicted. its a shame something that seems so simple to me has been made so complicated, politicized, moralized and corrupted.
:amen: to that,I agree that Medical use is the important issue, I just hope it doesn't backfire for recreational use in the future. If my state had MMJ I would certainly qualify but would also like to be able to partake socially. :peace:
Since I live in a state where MMJ is still not leagal, I would say it's a step in the right direction, but it's just so ridiculous that adults STILL can't enjoy a smoke LEAGALLY in their own home. When will th BS end???
You raise an interesting point, 420Warrior. I am not sure what I can read into the decision to introduce a decriminalization bill so soon after the mmj bill was vetoed, but I suspect it was in response to the veto. Sort of a . . . "won't settle for mmj? O.K. take this!"

Ultimately, I don't think strategies much matter. The pendulum is swinging. So many factors play into it. I know medical marijuana was my reintroduction to the plant. Just seeing how much it helped my mom before she died, made me decide to put a lot of energy into making that medicine available to all who need it. It is only now, three years later, that I have come round to thinking it should be legalized across the board.

I also believe there is a legitimate reason for pushing for medical cannabis legalization first. It comes down to saving lives, and severely reducing pain and suffering as soon as possible. But I have to say, it is very important that the home-grown whole-plant is legalized as medicine, lest the Big Pharma and their lackey, the FDA get their blood-stained claws on all its derivatives.

Should the whole plant be considered medicine, the fall-out can only be good, in as much as the profound effectiveness and safety of this medicinal herb will be quite evident to those who observe their ill loved-ones partake of it. As a result, the last caked layers of corporate and government anti-pot propaganda will lose all of its luster and adhesiveness, and finally be seen as the dreck that was only making the window dirty. These are people who vote, and talk to other people who vote.
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