New Guy-Please Advise on Lighting & Ventilation, etc.


New Member
I'm a new grower & newbie to this site. Could anyone elaborate or offer some insight? My space will be 2.5" x 6' x 8'h with about a ~40% veg area & ~60% flowering room. I plan on using a 600w HPS in the flowering area & 300w+ CFL's in the veg. area.

A couple questions if I could impose?:
1) Veg. area lighting: I'm thinking 2' tube type CFL's over the plants-would/should I also add any bulb type lower to the sides?
2) I got a Continental Fan Mfg. AXC200B inline fan from a friend-not sure of the CFM rating. One example suggests a separate exhaust fan for each area-could I get by with just the one I already have to exhaust both areas? I'll also be using a can filter. I was thinking I could put the filter in the veg. area and pull it thru the HPS light & out; or have 1/2 the filter in the veg. area & 1/2 in the flower area. Will also have a 2, 3 or 4 either passive or fan assisted intakes.
3) I'd like to try the LST method too, as well as add a cloning area under/over the veg. area. Any design suggestions are welcome.

This is my first attempt at building a grow area-I'd like to get it right the first time.

Many thanks and this is a geat site with lot's of knowledgeable folks!
I agree with Prarie Poet, but check out the thread a few above yours... the trick is to create a negative air pressure situation... meaning take more air OUT than is coming IN. In my area (a small 5x3 closet) I have a El-Cheapo bathroom exhaust fan pulling whats purported to be 260cfm, which can clear the whole room about 100 times over per hour. What that does is make the vacuum im creating search for air, so I dont even have to put a electric fan on a small inlet duct I have at the bottom of the closet (nature abhors a vacuum). It literall pulls the fresh air in from where it can find it (in my case, the slit under the door and my small inlet).

My wife, who has a masters in engineering, had another BRILLIANT idea for controlling humidity that works off this system. I put an air ionizer in the area of my intake, and ionized air apparently forces humidity UPWARD with the hot air. In one hour I went from 77% humidity to 45%, and it stays rock solid there (with a minimum draw on electric, which im saving by only running one dinky little fan.

As for lighting, im running a High Pressure Sodium 400 to flower with an external ballast (verrrrry reccomended) so I can keep the ballast outside of the grow area, thats where a LOT of heat comes from. Got it on FleaBay for exactly 140 bucks USD plus shipping... bulb included, brand new.

Hope that helps a little and good growin!
OH.. and for vegging... regular old CFL ballasts with bulbs (about 25 bucks delivered to your casa) do the trick very nicely... no need to spend big bucks bro (or sis lol).

My wife, who has a masters in engineering, had another BRILLIANT idea for controlling humidity that works off this system. I put an air ionizer in the area of my intake, and ionized air apparently forces humidity UPWARD with the hot air. In one hour I went from 77% humidity to 45%, and it stays rock solid there (with a minimum draw on electric, which im saving by only running one dinky little fan.

Hey Everybodys,

I goggled that and couldn't find anything on ionizing air causes humidity to raise. Can you ask her for a term where we can look into that? Sounds interesting.

I knew someone was gonna test me LOL ***fidgets in seat nervously***.... I believe it has something to do with the fact that ionizing the air causes an air molecule to shed an electron, making it lighter than the ones around it. Add to that the natural convection of the ventilation system I use, and the fact that water vapor wants to fill that spot of the missing electron, thats how I believe it works.

There are other benefits to ionized air that have yet to be proven scientifically... some claim its stimulating to some of natures procesees, and in many creatures causes feelings of "up", mild euphoria, and general physiological well being.

That being said, I didnt mean to mislead in saying that ionization was the sole contributor to my humidity levels dropping so dramatically. This is what happens when TUI (typing under the influence). :joint:

I knew someone was gonna test me LOL ***fidgets in seat nervously***.... I believe it has something to do with the fact that ionizing the air causes an air molecule to shed an electron, making it lighter than the ones around it. Add to that the natural convection of the ventilation system I use, and the fact that water vapor wants to fill that spot of the missing electron, thats how I believe it works.

There are other benefits to ionized air that have yet to be proven scientifically... some claim its stimulating to some of natures procesees, and in many creatures causes feelings of "up", mild euphoria, and general physiological well being.

That being said, I didnt mean to mislead in saying that ionization was the sole contributor to my humidity levels dropping so dramatically. This is what happens when TUI (typing under the influence). :joint:


EB, wasn't trying to nail you to the pot on that. I work in the IT industry and have used ionization in low humidity environments, to reduce static. I've just never heard of it being used to lower humidity is all.

dude honestly unless your area cannot smell at all DONT use a can filter. most of them lower your air flow sometime from 20% to 30%! put out going vents high to removed heat and incoming lower so it can be absorbed easier. Dont forget about room needed for plants when they get big. good motto is if u can see the floor threw the canopy that's a waste of light, and money if u think about it. but i have a 5x8x8 and twelve plants take up alot of room in there. anywhoo just givin ya some quick advise from my first grow. post pics! good luck dude! peace pot micro dottttt
Cool-thanks everyone! I believe I'll have enough CFM as I confirmed my inline pushes 636 cfm-I should get good negative pressure inside once I figure how to do the door(s) & seal if up, probably try the intakes w/o fans first. Hadn't really thought much about humidity level yet-temp will be around 70-75^F & in a basement, will have to see & adjust on the fly. I'm going to attempt the LST too, so I think I'll have enough room above-correct? And I'm only going to try for about 4 plants. Stay warm-I'm goin to Vegas, baby!
As for the lighting, I got (actual) 250W grow cfl's. One 6500k and one 2700k. They're not even that costly. I found them on google searching for "High power cfl". Not sure if I'm allowed to link to webshops from here. They are working a lot better than I need them to in my small area.
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