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Is this heat stress?I don't know but it doesn't look right to me

How is it going @dabneyj

Your little lady looks happy and healthy; what strain is she?
Is this your first grow?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

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Is this heat stress?I don't know but it doesn't look right to me
Nothing showing at this time to indicate heat issues. If you are talking about the little ripples showing up on the fingers of the leaf those sorts of things are common. Keep an eye on that but nothing that is concerning is showing at this time.

Temps recently near 100
Look around and see if the trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants in the area are looking wilted and falling over. Plants do not have a nerve system like we do that makes us feel uncomfortable when it is hot or humid out.
Welcome! She looks fine to me. Indicas dont love the heat and humidity in my humble experience, those broad leaf hunnies you seem to have there. Mine droop a little in the evenings but perk back up. Also if you remove leaf, which you might have to in this weather, they can get a bit stressed and unhappy.
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