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My seedling is 10 days old just wondering how she's doing? This is my first seedling. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Wondering about the curl on the leaf, just noticed it this morning.


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Hi. Welcome to the club. She looks great. You should think about repotting her about now. Some details about what your planning would be good (kind of plant, soil, what type/size pot, lights, nutrients).
:welcome: to the forum.

More information is needed to venture an informed opinion. My first reaction was that you may be overfeeding them. Why not start a journal under Grow/Grow Journals from the menu above. If you start with the information requested in 'How to Ask for Grow Support' we'd have the basics, and can follow along with your grow.
Bakerstreet kush, 450 watt Meizhi light, grow tent. Didn't start nutrients yet. Planning on using liquid nutrients, not sure brand yet.


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Before transplanting already, I would like to suggest that you lift them up just enough to put some more of your good soil underneath them, to raise them up to the brim so all the leaves can get better light. Then, establish a good wet/dry cycle with this container and wait till she can drain all of the water you can give her, in 24-48 hours. Then it will be time to uppot... with probably a little bit stronger organic soil. As far as liquid nutrients go, may I suggest Roots Organic, so that you can keep this natural and organic and without a lot of pH troubles?
Before transplanting already, I would like to suggest that you lift them up just enough to put some more of your good soil underneath them, to raise them up to the brim so all the leaves can get better light. Then, establish a good wet/dry cycle with this container and wait till she can drain all of the water you can give her, in 24-48 hours. Then it will be time to uppot... with probably a little bit stronger organic soil. As far as liquid nutrients go, may I suggest Roots Organic, so that you can keep this natural and organic and without a lot of pH troubles?

Was thinking on buying the General Hydroponics Flora Series for nutrients. What do you think?
Was thinking on buying the General Hydroponics Flora Series for nutrients. What do you think?
Question for you. Do you need organic nutrients with organic soil? Or does it matter? We are from a small town we dont have a lot of variety. Will have to order online.
Lots of people go that route and will tell you that it is just fine. If you want to be like all of them and grow just fine pot, by all means... it can be done. You asked for advice and I would like to give you advice that would elevate you above that crowd that settles for a compromise that allows hydro shops to sell a lot of nutes to soil growers who have never seen that there is a better way. You don't have to go down that road if you don't want to... that road where you are constantly handing over money to the hydro store for your product. Get away from all that and reduce your COP (cost of production)
Question for you. Do you need organic nutrients with organic soil? Or does it matter? We are from a small town we dont have a lot of variety. Will have to order online.
no, you do not have to. You can simply use your organic soil as a medium to hold your plants and the nutrients you will supply. Why not get away from that and take advantage of what soil brings naturally to the table? When you get in bed with a nutrient line, you then have to watch and carefully adjust your pH, you have to carefully balance and adjust their individual products with each watering, and they will tell you that without buying all of their expensive add ons, your grow will never be as good as it can be.
I choose not to play that game. I build a soil that has everything in it that the plants can need, and then I give them good water. Done. Finished.... and my product turns out to be superior too. You can do this. You don't have to buy into the hype and get sucked into a system.
Before transplanting already, I would like to suggest that you lift them up just enough to put some more of your good soil underneath them, to raise them up to the brim so all the leaves can get better light. Then, establish a good wet/dry cycle with this container and wait till she can drain all of the water you can give her, in 24-48 hours. Then it will be time to uppot... with probably a little bit stronger organic soil. As far as liquid nutrients go, may I suggest Roots Organic, so that you can keep this natural and organic and without a lot of pH troubles?
I'm not sure what products to purchase from Roots Organic. What you purchase?
check out my current grow... there were no store bought nutrients used in this run, and I have produced yet again, connoisseur bud. It is all about getting everything that you need in that soil, maybe boosting it a bit with natural fertilizers, but essentially using nothing but water all through the grow... and I am using 6 year old soil that has been used over and over again! You can definitely go cheaper than buying into one of these nutrient lines and thinking that your whole grow depends on it. Natural organic is the way to grow the best pot and for the cheapest. No one that I know has ever gone to another method after experiencing true living organic.
no, you do not have to. You can simply use your organic soil as a medium to hold your plants and the nutrients you will supply. Why not get away from that and take advantage of what soil brings naturally to the table? When you get in bed with a nutrient line, you then have to watch and carefully adjust your pH, you have to carefully balance and adjust their individual products with each watering, and they will tell you that without buying all of their expensive add ons, your grow will never be as good as it can be.
I choose not to play that game. I build a soil that has everything in it that the plants can need, and then I give them good water. Done. Finished.... and my product turns out to be superior too. You can do this. You don't have to buy into the hype and get sucked into a system.
This is the soil we are planning on switching to after we repot. Do you think we will need to add any nutrients?


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It looks just fine and will get you strongly into the 4th or 5th week of veg before starting to get weak. If you have strong and vigorous plants by then, you can choose to supercharge them with additional growth nutes and you will definitely need bloom nutrients or a supersoil to put in the bottom of your containers for later on in the grow... that soil will not support the full grow without help.
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