New grower - Need advice!


New Member
Hey everyone I'm new at this and I think I'm doing really well!! I just have a slight problem with some yellow spotting on the leaves. I'll post pix as soon as I can
hey everyone just trying to get some advice on what is causing this burning on our leaves. we are using FF happy frog soil and using the whole FF nutrient line up. they are week 5 clones growing under a combo of florescent and an LED grow panel. we are balancing the ph at 6-6.5. there are 2 strains, one is a ak47 seed that is actually like 2 months old. she was stressed early on in life. then there are 2 trip diesel clones. here are some pics.

this is the ak47





thanks ahead of time for any advice given!!!!
Are you watering with lights on and possibly getting water on the leaves? Other than that I am seeing slight nute burn. Do a flush and then feed when they are dried out again. Back down the ferts about half of what you have been using and work your way back up a little.
Yea what tactical said, thats light burn. Cant spray your plants when the lights are so close. And the dark green is a nitrogen def. To much nitrogen. I would say flush that using half strength of grow. And check for other problems like in the stems cause nitrogen overload will lock out other nutrients also. Like phosphorus, the purple stems and green color in the leafs
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