New Grower but been burning for 50 years


420 Member
Good day to all, you folks are a great group of people.
I just retired from punching the clock and have taken up a new hobby for the Mrs and myself. This is our 1st grow and we are running into this problem. Is this "rust mold", " "nutrient problem" or something else. I could really use some help on this.



Hey Don, congratulations on everything! I'm glad you found us! Let's find out.
You're in flower and spots are on the most recent leaves so i think you have a deficiency. Leaning to calcium right now.

What is the soil and
what are you feeding? How often or what is the water/feed schedule?
How about the light? How intense and close?
Good day to all, you folks are a great group of people.
I just retired from punching the clock and have taken up a new hobby for the Mrs and myself. This is our 1st grow and we are running into this problem. Is this "rust mold", " "nutrient problem" or something else. I could really use some help on this.



Welcome to 420Magazine
My first guess without knowing more would be burn marks from watering during the hot part of the day
The water droplets will magnify the sun & burn spots on the leaves
Welcome to 420 Magazine @DoobieDon

Is your plan being grown indoors?
What nutrient line are you feeding your girls?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
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