New Grow Journal Using A Clone From A Flowering Plant


Well-Known Member
Hii all this will be my second grow however I feel I'm switching things up a lil this time I'm going to be useing the following
1x ts1000 marshydro
Tent size is 2x2 need to get a bigger one however others in use atm please follow for more to come heres the start ....
Got to say @Mars Hydro what a amazing light so far very bright and the colours are amazing too also like that they can be daisy chained together get a whopping big one for center then 2 either side looking forward to see how it does and how she grows and preformes tha is for reading ..x



Hiya - looks like you're all set
I'd tie up those cables so they are not sitting on top of the dimmer, you don't want them creating any hot spots
Good Luck!
Thanks guys it's been a hour without lid on do you think can keep lid off it ??

Trying to root a flower is very hit and miss
Lid off one hour per day at first, until the leaves look perky and you can see new growth
FWIW I usually take the top off clones as that's where the flowering hormone is concentrated, when I want it to be building roots
Also don't forget when you take the lid off, no light is reflected by the lid so it's also a burst of stronger light
One time I had some small planted clones that accidentally went into flower due to a lighting mistake. I carefully cut off the flowers and they grew just fine in veg.
Thanks guys it's been a hour without lid on do you think can keep lid off it ??

It's been under the marshydro light since yesterday morning when it arrived and looks like its working wonders looks like shes growing ..


Just had its dome off a hour again and looks like it wilted?

The leaves are stretching out nicely. I never trim anything off of new clones for the fist few weeks of growth. When you trim, the plant has to divert its energy into healing and adds more stresses to the clone.

Most of my sativa strains I intentionally clone in flower to maintain my perpetual grows. From clone cut to mature veg is 6 weeks. Flowering time is 10 weeks. I take clones in week two of flower so 8 weeks flowering time remaining. Adding two weeks to the veg time for reverting pushes it to 8 week veg, balancing the rotation.

Only problems I have is my own forgetfulness. Leave them in the 12/12 flowering room, forget to turn on the clone lights or leave the dome off. Their will to live is generally greater than my memory.
The leaves are stretching out nicely. I never trim anything off of new clones for the fist few weeks of growth. When you trim, the plant has to divert its energy into healing and adds more stresses to the clone.

Most of my sativa strains I intentionally clone in flower to maintain my perpetual grows. From clone cut to mature veg is 6 weeks. Flowering time is 10 weeks. I take clones in week two of flower so 8 weeks flowering time remaining. Adding two weeks to the veg time for reverting pushes it to 8 week veg, balancing the rotation.

Only problems I have is my own forgetfulness. Leave them in the 12/12 flowering room, forget to turn on the clone lights or leave the dome off. Their will to live is generally greater than my memory.
Looking good then?? Also just keep havein lid of a hour a day for 7days think be sufficient to leave off ovb will needs transplanting but just wanting it stronger first plant its come off is a big Bush x
Mist and put the dome back until it perks back up. Then place 1 inch spacers between the tray and the dome so you get some venting down low. increase the space over the next few days. Gradually dropping the humidity will prevent shocking the plant and promote the roots.
Thanks @Sativa1970 Love sativa just dont like the long wait lol x
She looks good. It can't grow without roots and it is growing so you have roots. That is the hard part done.

If you do 1 inch per day you can ditch the dome in probably 3 or 4 days. Just read the plant each day. Wilting-lower it some. little limp-leave it. perked up-lift it. You may go up one day and down the next but it will harden off within a week.

Love sativa just dont like the long wait
That's the beauty of perpetual grow. One plant takes 20 weeks seed to harvest. With perpetual grow I harvest that strain every 8 weeks. 3 strains in flower, 3 cloned strains in veg, all staggered start by 2 or 3 weeks. I can harvest every 2 or 3 weeks.
She looks good. It can't grow without roots and it is growing so you have roots. That is the hard part done.

If you do 1 inch per day you can ditch the dome in probably 3 or 4 days. Just read the plant each day. Wilting-lower it some. little limp-leave it. perked up-lift it. You may go up one day and down the next but it will harden off within a week.

That's the beauty of perpetual grow. One plant takes 20 weeks seed to harvest. With perpetual grow I harvest that strain every 8 weeks. 3 strains in flower, 3 cloned strains in veg, all staggered start by 2 or 3 weeks. I can harvest every 2 or 3 weeks.
Been in flower 10wk this week and stil not near ones going to take another 6wk prob like 16wk flower long that however thinking the other is ready in 2 week not sure x
Not thinking bout da veg tym too lol
Wow, deep end of the pool! Cloning a flowering plant is not something I've done, but it is supposed to grow with multiple branching once it roots.

Interesting to hear Sativa has good success doing it this way. Good luck! :goodluck:
Were you saying you are flowering for 16 weeks? I missed something cause that sounds a bit off. Are you counting from first pistols to chop or when you flip the lights? I have been growing land strain sativas since the 70's and the longest flower I ever had was 14 weeks from a Malawi Africa strain, grown in soil. Same strain in hydro took 12 weeks.
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