New Equipment?


New Member
Can any recommend some very accurite tools for measuring PH, PPM and light in both soil and water? I would prefer to buy quality once and know the tools working.

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Re: New Equipment???

check the local chemical supply and manufacture plants in the area... not to buy... just to see what their using. They gotta measure all the same stuff. You may not be able to purchase the equipment they have, but note the manufacturer.

how to do that...
if you want an accurate soil tester expect to pay out the nose for it. $500 ballpark!! thats just for the ph

Your best bet would be a high quality pen that does both ec and ph, try hanna, eutech, control wizard, etc.. check the water befor and after (the FIRST FEW DROPS/ OR ABOUT A LIQ OUNCE) coming out the bottom of the pots, then you know what is happening in the soil. get a light meter from a photo supply shop, or just shoot for 50-75 watts per square foot; more than that and you will need some co2 enrichment.

how to do that...

I cheat... i'm a contractor that drives around in a big white work truck. I think up a reason i would need the information, usualy building something for a client. Then walk up and start asking questions. People love to talk... especially about hings they are proud of ... ie work etc. surplus lab equip meters etc lots of great deals for DIY

milwakee instruments oakton hanna bluelab

check out agricultural supply places

that spec meters isspectrum technologies they have lots of techie goodies including computerized moniter stuff that call you up if your temp is too low [big issue for friut farmersetc]
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