Never had buds look like this so early


Well-Known Member
So I have a white truffle x Okie, photoperiod, Indoor and grown from seed.
She has been through a lot but was flipped to 12/12 on July 22 and started showing pistils within a few days. My math says she’s at day 40 of 12/12.
The buds are still relatively small but about right for this strain in week 5-6 of flower. The strain isn’t known for giant buds but the quality is exceptional.
What has me scratching my head is the fact that every single white pistil has turned brown and most have receded. I can’t find a white pistil anywhere.
I’ve grown this strain before and it’s a solid 10 week of flowering strain, give or take a few days.
Normally I don’t start looking at trichs until much closer to harvest, but I checked em out today and they look like week 8/9 trichs…..mostly cloudy and even a few ambers……I’m talking about trichs that are deep inside the bracts, not leaf trichs.
I know there’s no way they are as close to ready as they appear…..I certainly hope not as they haven’t went though their swell stage yet.
I’ve just never had a grow with all brown receded pistils and so many cloudy trichs with a full month to go.
Has anyone had this happen???
What are your thoughts??
Thanks gang…..always a pleasure to hear from you all.

Beautiful garden my friend :thumb:
Some strains get trics quicker than others.
She is thick and frosty.
Might explain the premature aged look of the trics.
I did see a couple white looking trics in the pics.


Could be just the lighting.
As long as she is still eating she is still flowering.
Watch her nutrient uptake.
When it slows I check trics.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Beautiful garden my friend :thumb:
Some strains get trics quicker than others.
She is thick and frosty.
Might explain the premature aged look of the trics.
I did see a couple white looking trics in the pics.


Could be just the lighting.
As long as she is still eating she is still flowering.
Watch her nutrient uptake.
When it slows I check trics.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks for input……I forgot to mention that I recently sprayed it with Dr Zymes for thrips. I’ve used it before and it works well and hasn’t affected the buds. Maybe that has something to do the pistils turning & receding so early???
Thanks for input……I forgot to mention that I recently sprayed it with Dr Zymes for thrips. I’ve used it before and it works well and hasn’t affected the buds. Maybe that has something to do the pistils turning & receding so early???
It's possible.
I've noticed before with sprays.
For some reason not always though. :Namaste:
Keep up the good work.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I forgot to mention that I recently sprayed it with Dr Zymes for thrips. I’ve used it before and it works well and hasn’t affected the buds. Maybe that has something to do the pistils turning & receding so early???
I've had similar. Spray with something I have used before for Mites or Powdery Mildew without noticing anything out of the ordinary. Then the times when within a few days the stigma/pistils are turning. Several more days and it seems they all have turned.

Now-a-days I will just wait and then in a week or so the buds have increased in size and new fresh stigma/pistils are growing. Every thing looks to have returned to its normal growth pattern. When it does not go back to its usual glorious full on bud development it at least is showing that it is still healthy with a fair amount of new growth.

Why a spray seems to cause this one time out of many spraying sessions is a mystery.
You are going to have some big buds. :lot-o-toke: :goodjob:🍋
man I hope so…..this strain is by far the best I’ve ever grown. This plant is from a seed out of clone that self pollinated and produced like 8 seeds in the entire plant.
It doesn’t yield the biggest buds but the quality is top shelf.
I really hope the buds will go through their late flower swelling and get a little bigger…..right now they’re hard as rocks but probably on the small side of average.
This plant is from a seed out of clone that self pollinated

That answers the question. When the plant self pollinates it rolls the genetic dice again. This seed is from the same genetic pool but with different ratios of dominant and recessive traits. That is why the spray effected this plant more than any of the other previous clone.
Why a spray seems to cause this one time out of many spraying sessions is a mystery.
It has always been my assumption that the stigma do not stand up well to moisture. Any time they get significantly wet it seems like they recede and the plant puts out new ones. Possibly they are sensitive to anything affecting their ability to capture pollen.
It has always been my assumption that the stigma do not stand up well to moisture. Any time they get significantly wet it seems like they recede and the plant puts out new ones. Possibly they are sensitive to anything affecting their ability to capture pollen.
Interesting and a good point to think about. Since the several rains the last couple of weeks I have noticed my outdoor plant went from nice looking buds with a lot of stigma/pistils to next to nothing showing as far as pistils are concerned.
I took some time and really checked out the buds this morning. I did not find a single white stigma/pistil or any indicators of any new ones getting ready to pop.
There are way more cloudy trichs than clear, with a handful of ambers here and there. I’d say they are at a stage where normally I’d say to give it a week……I like there to be a fair number of ambers scattered but as many as some.
Plus this strain has very little smell until it gets very close to harvest, then it comes on strong. I was def smelling the strong stench that’s mix between a fruit smoothie and a Hobo’s morning breath. Very funky and distinct.
I’m giving her another week and evaluate from there.
I took some time and really checked out the buds this morning. I did not find a single white stigma/pistil or any indicators of any new ones getting ready to pop.
There are way more cloudy trichs than clear, with a handful of ambers here and there. I’d say they are at a stage where normally I’d say to give it a week……I like there to be a fair number of ambers scattered but as many as some.
Plus this strain has very little smell until it gets very close to harvest, then it comes on strong. I was def smelling the strong stench that’s mix between a fruit smoothie and a Hobo’s morning breath. Very funky and distinct.
I’m giving her another week and evaluate from there.
Is she still draining her pot?
When she is almost finished she will slow right down.
If she is eating she is still flowering and building for you. :Namaste:
Not just size & density but turps and thc. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Is she still draining her pot?
When she is almost finished she will slow right down.
If she is eating she is still flowering and building for you. :Namaste:
Not just size & density but turps and thc. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Here’s the thing…..I’ve always grown in 5 gal pots. This girl was originally gonna be an outside plant but I put her out too early…..she began flowering, so I had the great idea of snipping all the little budlets off, which really threw her into a state of confusion.
Long story short ( too late I know)….i managed to get her to reveg, at which time I moved her inside to flower. I know that’s a terrible practice and I don’t plan on doing it again.
Anyway, she’s in a 10gal pot and she’s never drank a lot of water. 8 days ago I went on vacation and watered her thoroughly the morning i left. I was gone for 5 days and when I returned, she was still moist and really didn’t need watering.
So I’m having a hard time judging exactly how much she’s drinking.
Here’s the thing…..I’ve always grown in 5 gal pots. This girl was originally gonna be an outside plant but I put her out too early…..she began flowering, so I had the great idea of snipping all the little budlets off, which really threw her into a state of confusion.
Long story short ( too late I know)….i managed to get her to reveg, at which time I moved her inside to flower. I know that’s a terrible practice and I don’t plan on doing it again.
Anyway, she’s in a 10gal pot and she’s never drank a lot of water. 8 days ago I went on vacation and watered her thoroughly the morning i left. I was gone for 5 days and when I returned, she was still moist and really didn’t need watering.
So I’m having a hard time judging exactly how much she’s drinking.
If she went 5 or 6 days without water she is close to the end. :Namaste:
If she is finished then it's up to you to choose when your happy with trics.
Don't fret about the flower/reveg, happens quite frequently when people move them outside early.
You did a great job on her.:thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So I have a white truffle x Okie, photoperiod, Indoor and grown from seed.
She has been through a lot but was flipped to 12/12 on July 22 and started showing pistils within a few days. My math says she’s at day 40 of 12/12.
The buds are still relatively small but about right for this strain in week 5-6 of flower. The strain isn’t known for giant buds but the quality is exceptional.
My last harvest was an outdoor Blueberry in 10 gal, and a similar thing happened... small buds, all stigmas turned brown, I think lots of milky trichomes. This plant was big, but stressed out from being in veg for too long before I flipped. She was no longer drinking normally. It was basically a salvage harvest. The buds were loose not compact and I got about 1-1/2 quarts. Not a lot of resin production.

Your case may be a bit different, and you may have an early flowering pheno there.

Good luck with your harvest!
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