Need some questions answered please


New Member
1. Will a plant produce bud naturally or does it need the flowering process?
2. If it can produce bud w/ out the flowering process, how much longer would it take?
3. Is there any certain way to pick the bud from the plant?
Re: Need some questions answered please.

1.) Outside yes. Inside no unless its an autoflower. Inside yes.. needs to go from either 18 to 24 hours of light down to 12
2.0utside..yes...all season into late fall early would want a autoflower. I think...I dont do autoflowers.
3.) well..that is personal prefernce.. is any one way the right way?? no. Start from the top.. work your way down.. Cut each branch.. or cut each cola. But do what ever works for you and always...Kiss it..(Keep it simple stud).
Hope this helps a lil :peacetwo:
Re: Need some questions answered please.

To answer your question... The Bud is the flowers of the MJ plant... so without a flowering phase, you will not get flowers... Even with auto's, to flower, the plant is in flowering phase...(with auto's the plant determines when to flower, with non-auto's, we the grower determine when it flowers)

Picking bud...look up harvesting, trimming and curing and you will find your answers.
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