Need some help managing nute burn in DWC


New Member
Ok so I started off this burn by doing dumb things- not monitoring ppm, and I let it jump from 1200 to 1800. This is with using lotus nutes. I also use powersi, slf-100 and orca, with a small bit of great white.

I lowered it back to 1400, but figured since they didn't burn at 1800 I should be good. But later I got the first burnt tips and curling down, showing nitrogen toxicity.

Replaced res, lowered to 900ppm. Didn't keep burning but kept showing curled down leaf tips. I lowered ppm to 800, still looked rough, so a few days later I did a full swap, from lotus nutes to GH flora series, 525ppm with calmag. Next day it rose to 575 ppm, with .5-1gal water being drank.

Now the burning is progressing, the leaves still look shit, and I reduced ppm even further to 425 last night. Staying at 425 this morning (after it's entire light cycle)
Hopefully someone else jumps in as I am a newbie and currently using super soil because I didn't want to deal with nutes on my first grow. This response is from research done, not personal experience. Are you watering until run-off? Nutes are delivered by salts. If you don't water until run-off the salts will keep accumulating. You may want to check the ppm from your run-off water. If it's too high, and you are using soil, keep flushing your plant with plain water until the ppm in your run-off water is in the range you want (I can't remember where the ppm should be).

If using coco you should flush your plants with nutes in the water because the coco needs nutes too....especially calmeg. Even though you have nutes in the water by watering until you have run-off you will still remove the salt buildup from the nutes.

Also, I don't think you're supposed to add nutes every time you water, but you should probably do some independent study on that because I am not 100% sure.
@Lovie It's in the title, it's DWC (Deep Water Culture) which means no soil involved, the roots are basically bubbling away in a nutrient solution all the time, so it's a whole different ball game.

I think in DWC all you can do is flush her out and put her in the right solution, since well there are no buffers or delays.
The affected leaves won't bounce back and best to remove the worst offenders or you can clip the tips off. If it's just a bit of yellow tip well...maybe a picture helps, if it's really severe you might be facked though.
Hopefully someone else jumps in as I am a newbie and currently using super soil because I didn't want to deal with nutes on my first grow. This response is from research done, not personal experience. Are you watering until run-off? Nutes are delivered by salts. If you don't water until run-off the salts will keep accumulating. You may want to check the ppm from your run-off water. If it's too high, and you are using soil, keep flushing your plant with plain water until the ppm in your run-off water is in the range you want (I can't remember where the ppm should be).

If using coco you should flush your plants with nutes in the water because the coco needs nutes too....especially calmeg. Even though you have nutes in the water by watering until you have run-off you will still remove the salt buildup from the nutes.

Also, I don't think you're supposed to add nutes every time you water, but you should probably do some independent study on that because I am not 100% sure.
hey thanks for the advice. i wrote in the title that im in dwc- that is deep water culture hydro. the roots are always in water as that is the medium. so unfortunately this doesnt apply to the situation.
@Lovie It's in the title, it's DWC (Deep Water Culture) which means no soil involved, the roots are basically bubbling away in a nutrient solution all the time, so it's a whole different ball game.

I think in DWC all you can do is flush her out and put her in the right solution, since well there are no buffers or delays.
The affected leaves won't bounce back and best to remove the worst offenders or you can clip the tips off. If it's just a bit of yellow tip well...maybe a picture helps, if it's really severe you might be facked though.
here is a pic of where they are at. it isnt severe, but was getting worse.

my current plan of attack is to replace the res today with pure rodi water. then 24 hours later ill replace the res again with nutes. im also considering adding hygrozyme when its just the pure water to help clean out anything in the res.

hey thanks for the advice. i wrote in the title that im in dwc- that is deep water culture hydro. the roots are always in water as that is the medium. so unfortunately this doesnt apply to the situation.
I should have asked what DWC stood for, my bad!
Otherwise good pointers though and also pretty cool you decided on soil and no nutes for a first run.

And yes that's a dark leathery & shiny look you got there on the leaves boss.
They are already well along in flowering?
I mean damage is done, so yeah clean and power through, good lucK.
Thanks. I went with Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend soil and their feeding chart and feeding products. I figured since this line was designed for cannabis their botanists already figured out exactly what the soil needs and when based on the pot size you are using, it was the dummy proof way to go. So far my plants look really good. I have run into a couple of issues, none of them related to nutes though. Next time I plan on trying regular soil and nutes. Once I master that I want to try growing in coco.
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