New Member
Ok well I have blazed my whole life but I quit like 6 months ago..(lame I know) but I smoke 2 days ago..not acutal bud though just some shade leaf, about 4 small bowls worth and now I have to pass a drug test, for a job this coming up Tuesday at 1pm. I'm wondering if I can pass this thing because I didn't smoke actual bud and the leaves aren't potnent at all, real dry no crystals on them ect.. I know THC has a half life and I know that I need to do a couple things like not give them the first or last of my pee in the cup and drink alot of water the day of the test to dilute and also not to exersise or do anything a day or two before so I dont burn any fat cells. I also have been eating a bunch of fatty foods to cover the thc fat with new fat. Any other ideas that will help my chances? Also do you guys think I will pass or what? I heard taking a couple asprin the day of will help also with the diluted pee to take a vitamin that has b-12 in it to make my pee yellow so it's not so clear and they dont question it.