Need some advice asap


New Member
Ok well I have blazed my whole life but I quit like 6 months ago..(lame I know) but I smoke 2 days ago..not acutal bud though just some shade leaf, about 4 small bowls worth and now I have to pass a drug test, for a job this coming up Tuesday at 1pm. I'm wondering if I can pass this thing because I didn't smoke actual bud and the leaves aren't potnent at all, real dry no crystals on them ect.. I know THC has a half life and I know that I need to do a couple things like not give them the first or last of my pee in the cup and drink alot of water the day of the test to dilute and also not to exersise or do anything a day or two before so I dont burn any fat cells. I also have been eating a bunch of fatty foods to cover the thc fat with new fat. Any other ideas that will help my chances? Also do you guys think I will pass or what? I heard taking a couple asprin the day of will help also with the diluted pee to take a vitamin that has b-12 in it to make my pee yellow so it's not so clear and they dont question it.
THC is THC! Your body doesn't care where it comes from and will process/store it all the same way.

AS for passing a drug test. Most test can detect trace amounts in your system for up to 30 days. There are several sponsors here that provide "cleaners" to take prior to a test, I don't know how effective any of those are, and how quickly you can get your hands on them.

My best advice for anyone that is in the "job-hunt" DON'T SMOKE WEED until after you have the job in hand. Very few employers do random drug tests after you're employed (the U.S. Military does them all the time), but almost every employer does a pre-employment drug test.
Yeah what steve said!

Sounds like you already know what I know about it... I think the B-12 is a good idea, I also know that brewers yeast makes your pee yellow (Vit-B loaded). It is really good on popcorn and spaghetti too!

Best of luck my friend :goodluck:
Thanks boys..I'm just going to do everything I can do and try to pass this shit. I hopefully can if not I'm going to be like "I dont know why I failed and I demand a retest ect.."
ever tried synthetic urine with a pocket warmer? i've passed 2 test with this. just sayin.RoorRip

Nope and proably wouldn't have time to order one either. Im pretty much captial F Fucked! I'm just going to dilute as much as possible, take some b-12, give them mid stream piss and maybe drop 2 drops of visine in it for shits and giggles. I really think though that the amount o fthc in my system can't be very strong or alot at all.. I mean it was only shade leaf and there was no crystals on it what so ever..No bud at all. Just 5 bowls of shade leaf and that's all I've smoke in over 6 months.
Just 5 bowls of shade leaf and that's all I've smoke in over 6 months.

5 bowls?! Why on earth did you quit for six months just to smoke 5 bowls of crap a week before a drug test? You need to go to a headshop & buy some synthetic urine or something. :/ Better safe, than fucked.
Nope and proably wouldn't have time to order one either. Im pretty much captial F Fucked! I'm just going to dilute as much as possible, take some b-12, give them mid stream piss and maybe drop 2 drops of visine in it for shits and giggles. I really think though that the amount o fthc in my system can't be very strong or alot at all.. I mean it was only shade leaf and there was no crystals on it what so ever..No bud at all. Just 5 bowls of shade leaf and that's all I've smoke in over 6 months.
If you got a buzz, THC made its way into your system, regardless if it was some primo kush or shit weed. I would discourage the visine trick, many test will show it as a bad or tampered with sample. I'm not sure how the test are administered where you're going, when I was in the service we had an observer actually watch the urine enter the cup from the source, we had senior enlisted and officers as designated "pecker checkers" to make sure the sample was legit. I doubt the testing center goes to that extreme though, but I've never had to take a test at a non-government facility. (I took a 26 year break from smoking, because I valued my job more than the high).
5 bowls?! Why on earth did you quit for six months just to smoke 5 bowls of crap a week before a drug test? You need to go to a headshop & buy some synthetic urine or something. :/ Better safe, than fucked.

I didn't quit for any reason really..Just stopped smoking and wasn't around it at all until the 5 bowls of shade were there and I was shit drunk and yea..shit happens when you party naked. I'm pretty sure it's not that serious of a test becuase if I pass the test I begin work the next day. I'm not saying no thc got in my system I'm syaing I dont think there was a heavy amount and if I dilute enough I should be ok. Now my best friend a while back took a test at the same place for the same buisness and smoked like 4 days before and he diluted and passed. I also didn't know I wa going to be getting looked at for the job. i had dropped my application off a month prior, just so happened I got high and the next day they called. Just got to give them mid stream piss and hope the smoking gods are on my side. I'll let you all know whats up. I dont think the visine will cause problems especially 2 drops and it's not a drug test like that I'm pretty sure I go into a bathroom by myslef and pee int he cup. The only problem with synthetic urine is that I have a physical and if I have the physical before the urine test there's a good chance they will find it. I dont know I'm just gunna take the b-12 get some yellow piss and piss midstream for them...Maybe just scoop up some water from the bowl I heard that can work as well. Diluter piss shouldnt red flag them for anything because it just means I drink water...and it's not like a court drug test or Armed forces test. i think it's a pretty simple test about as easy as it gets. For now I'm getting fat eating and not moving lol. I also am skinny with a really good metabolism.
I didn't quit for any reason really..Just stopped smoking and wasn't around it at all until the 5 bowls of shade were there and I was shit drunk and yea..shit happens when you party naked. I'm pretty sure it's not that serious of a test becuase if I pass the test I begin work the next day. I'm not saying no thc got in my system I'm syaing I dont think there was a heavy amount and if I dilute enough I should be ok. Now my best friend a while back took a test at the same place for the same buisness and smoked like 4 days before and he diluted and passed. I also didn't know I wa going to be getting looked at for the job. i had dropped my application off a month prior, just so happened I got high and the next day they called.

That is so the way life works. :/ You didn't smoke much, & I've heard if you're slender with a high metabolism, it can get out of your system very quickly, particularly if you only toked a bit. Still, adulterating or diluting your urine will almost certainly be detected & if it is, you will automatically fail. I suggested the synth urine because I've read many examples of other people swearing by it. Your ideas may or may not work... I would be leery to say the least. Sorry if I came across snarky... just couldn't imagine why you would have done that. If the job is worth it to you, please try something more reliable than dilution, visine, & toilet water. They have ways of detecting dilution, monitor sample temperatures, & I'm pretty sure the visine tactic is well known/detectable. If they think you're trying to put one over on them, you fail. Good luck.
You can pick up a home drug test at most drug stores. They're about $20, You can drink tons of water and then test yourself to see if it shows. If it is a same-day test center, they're most likely using the 11-panel dip strips that just turn color. If that's the case diluting (through hydration) may help you pass.
That is so the way life works. :/ You didn't smoke much, & I've heard if you're slender with a high metabolism, it can get out of your system very quickly, particularly if you only toked a bit. Still, adulterating or diluting your urine will almost certainly be detected & if it is, you will automatically fail. I suggested the synth urine because I've read many examples of other people swearing by it. Your ideas may or may not work... I would be leery to say the least. Sorry if I came across snarky... just couldn't imagine why you would have done that. If the job is worth it to you, please try something more reliable than dilution, visine, & toilet water. They have ways of detecting dilution, monitor sample temperatures, & I'm pretty sure the visine tactic is well known/detectable. If they think you're trying to put one over on them, you fail. Good luck.

Nah you didn't come off snarky at all. I know it was def my bad. I'm just gunna do the water dilution and vitamin with b-12...hopefully it works. if not back to job hunting and I'm def going to blazeeee.
You can pick up a home drug test at most drug stores. They're about $20, You can drink tons of water and then test yourself to see if it shows. If it is a same-day test center, they're most likely using the 11-panel dip strips that just turn color. If that's the case diluting (through hydration) may help you pass.

I'm almost 100% sure that they're using the 11-panel dip strips, because they have to know that day if I pass because I start work the following day if i do. I think I can pass with dilution and a mid stream piss. If I do pass I'm going to get so high..might have to pull out the mustard bottle and bong..maybe some frosty's RoorRip
Just a cool little trick from back in the day..I know alot of people blow smoke rings and smoke baloons ect..but a cool trick I use to do is take a big hit don't inhale (I know it's kinda a waste but when you smoke everyday all day you get bored) anyway take a big hit, dont inhale and find a table like a kitchen table, coffee table any type of flat spot and put your mouth up real close to it and let the smoke roll out of your mouth really easy so it lays flat on the table dont breathe over it, or move to quick away from it, no fast movement at all. Then take your finger slowly and spin ina circle motion over the top and it makes a little smoke tornado...kinda lame I guess but it looks cool. Also if you watch a smoke ring closely it turns into a upside down I was such a stoner haha.
Nah you didn't come off snarky at all. I know it was def my bad. I'm just gunna do the water dilution and vitamin with b-12...hopefully it works. if not back to job hunting and I'm def going to blazeeee.
If you don't pass, don't blaze--you will have to take a test for the next job. If you do pass, than have a celebratory blaze fest, because once you pass, that is probably the last time your employer will test you.

So to recap, don't blaze until you have a job!
If you don't pass, don't blaze--you will have to take a test for the next job. If you do pass, than have a celebratory blaze fest, because once you pass, that is probably the last time your employer will test you.

So to recap, don't blaze until you have a job!

Haha thanks for the recap. I proably wont blaze at all, pass or fail. It's just not around me anymore and for the money/econemy, to me it's just not worth it...I loved smoking but after a while just didn't get high anymore and the fun was gone, guess I grew out of it. Unless of course I get shit drunk then pretty much anything could happen.
Do NOT adulterate your urine! Dilution = probable retest. Adulteration = probable fail.

A lot of places use the blue dye stuff in the toilet water, lol. Besides... Why would you want to mess with the contents of a public toilet?

Oh yeah, a little tip that is pretty unlikely to be necessary, but I'd suggest you follow it just in case: If you pass, wait a week before consuming. It is just within the realm of possibility that you'll be told that there was a problem and they'd like you to retest. Happened to a friend of mine. In his case, he said, "Sure, no problem," and they never sent him back for it - was probably just a case of them wanting to see if he went home from work that night and never came back. But you never know, and you'd feel pretty bad if you PASSED, got the job, then immediately lost it, especially if the use was recreational and not medicinal. (But again, it's an unlikely situation.)

Good luck.
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