Need more time?


Well-Known Member
Should I give her more time?








These appear to be pics of sugar leaves, are any of them of bud? Hard to say based strictly on trichomes anyway. Are all of the stigma (pistils) reddened/browned? Have the buds swollen up noticeably in the last week or two? Has the plant shown a reduced need for water?
If yes to those questions, then you can probably go ahead and harvest.
These appear to be pics of sugar leaves, are any of them of bud? Hard to say based strictly on trichomes anyway. Are all of the stigma (pistils) reddened/browned? Have the buds swollen up noticeably in the last week or two? Has the plant shown a reduced need for water?
If yes to those questions, then you can probably go ahead and harvest.
Most of them. Nope. Watering roughly every 4/6 days or so.
Most of them. Nope. Watering roughly every 4/6 days or so.
When she is finished flowering and building for you her pistils will turn red and crinkle in.
At the same time she will slowly stop eating.
Any girl eating every 4 days or so is still flowering and building for you.
So don't rush, patience will be rewarded.
Do you have any bud pics?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
She’s an auto flower with an 80 day average. Currently at day 86….


She is beautiful, nice work. :thumb:
Just curious are you feeding her?:Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It was a bucket of pre amended soil from an online site. They say water and light the entire grow. She is going longer than average so I thought maybe I should. I went conservative and I top dressed with egg shell, molasses and a bit of ocean forest soil. She got some color back. She ate most of her fan leaves this passed week as well. Was thinking of getting something for her tomorrow but not sure what… we have a great shop nearby that sells plenty of the typical cannabis nutes.

It was a bucket of pre amended soil from an online site. They say water and light the entire grow. She is going longer than average so I thought maybe I should. I went conservative and I top dressed with egg shell, molasses and a bit of ocean forest soil. She got some color back. She ate most of her fan leaves this passed week as well. Was thinking of getting something for her tomorrow but not sure what… we have a great shop nearby that sells plenty of the typical cannabis nutes.
Get some economical easy to use flowering nutrients.
Preferably a liquid to mix with water.
Not enough time for top dressing amendments.
You can help her to the end and get some decent bud.:morenutes:
2 to 3 weeks just by the couple pics. :Namaste:
Keep an eye on her pot weight.
It will gradually stay heavy longer, until she is done. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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