Need help?

Which should I go with for a 2x2 the Vipar Spectra XS1500 or the Mara Hydro TS1000?
What is your plan for the tent?
Veg tent?
Or flower 1 plant?
If your going to flower in there I'd get something more like a VS4000. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'd go with the 1500 Pro, then the 1500, then the TS1000.

The reason to not use the TS1000 is that it has a hot spot. Check out the PPFD map for the Mars and you'll see that the values are very high for a 1' square in the middle but the light levels fall dramatically after that.

In contrast, the Viper's are designed to provide an even light cast. The PPFD map on the 1500 Pro is excellent, the 1500 is pretty good. I've got the 1500 (the older model) and it's a decent light but the XS1500 Pro is stellar.
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