Need help


Well-Known Member
So I bought some pro mix all purpose for my plants and a bag of sunshine #4 did a half and half in 5 gallon pots. Just the other day I did my first feeding “late veg stage ” did 1/4 of recommended dose.some of the fan leaves are curling down Could this be nitrogen toxicity ? Autoflower strain btw




Welcome to 420 @Manny1985

No, that is not an N toxicity, it is not unusual for the tips to point down after watering
N toxicity the serrations of the leaves point downward forming a claw, usually accompanied by very dark leaves
Your plants look fine - carry on
If any of the lower leaves start to go at all pale, up the feed ratio
First time autoflower here could it be last week I transplanted into larger pots ? I no it’s not recommended to do with auto flowers. Beginner mistake here
I always start in smaller pots and up-pot, sometimes twice - the 'don't up-pot autos' thing is a myth
They will be fine
Welcome to 420 @Manny1985

No, that is not an N toxicity, it is not unusual for the tips to point down after watering
N toxicity the serrations of the leaves point downward forming a claw, usually accompanied by very dark leaves
Your plants look fine - carry on
If any of the lower leaves start to go at all pale, up the feed ratio
This is not the start forming a claw?

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