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Hi guys I’ve had to pull one of the plants down a week early as it stop taking any feed and it was dying but didn’t have time to flush it out it’s dryed out now and I’ve put them in mason jars to cure is there anything else I need to do as I hope the mason jars will take the chemical out out but not sure


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just give it a good long cure to get the green taste out of it and you will never know that it had any kind of chemical taste without comparing it to some good organically grown pot. Enjoy... you grew it and it is going to be great!

Hi long should I leave them in the mason jars for
once you get the RH down to the 59-65% RH level, you can leave it in there as long as you want and curing will continue. I suggest at least 3 weeks for a decent cure or at least a week in that range to start getting the harshness out of the smoke. Once it gets down below 59% the curing stops permanently, so go slow and don't over dry it. You want the buds to dry out enough that they feel crispy on the outside, but still moist enough that they are not going to turn to powder when you crush them up.
once you get the RH down to the 59-65% RH level, you can leave it in there as long as you want and curing will continue. I suggest at least 3 weeks for a decent cure or at least a week in that range to start getting the harshness out of the smoke. Once it gets down below 59% the curing stops permanently, so go slow and don't over dry it. You want the buds to dry out enough that they feel crispy on the outside, but still moist enough that they are not going to turn to powder when you crush them up.

The outside is dry but inside is a little moist inside as when you squeeze it ye can feel it, there only been in the jars since last night and I open it and you can smell the Jaffa coming from it as the plant is a Jaffa cake cookie
keep slowly drying it out, going for that crispyness. The best way is to open it up, "burp it" for about 10 minutes a day or a couple of times a day while it is still damp... and slowly get the moisture out of there.

Ye will do I’ll keep you updated thanks
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