Need help with yellow leaves


New Member
I am growing a sativa, Arjan Strawberry Haze, outside and i have run into something which i dont know how to fix. the bottom leaves to 3 out of my 4 plants have leaves turning yellow(pictures) and i do not know how to solve this problem. the plants are about 3-4 weeks old and have had this problem for about a week now. I think it might have something to do with the nitrates after looking over the threads on this website but am not positive. If anyone knows what is wrong with my plants and how i can fix it, your advice would be greatly appriciated.
thank you for your time and help!

I think that if I ever had a plant that didn't drop those early bottom punkass leaves I might worry. The top 85% of the plant is where the important feed back comes from.
thank you for the advice the plants are looking great except for one which is a smaller than the others(from having being knocked over and bending the stem as a seedling). here are some pictures of it from yesterday. They are about 24 inches right now, except for the smaller one, and are 4 weeks and a couple days old. How are they looking??

thanks ill get something to help protect the plants from a mite problem. I was curious how long it usually takes(from now, 4 weeks old) until I will be able to harvest?
That is all depends on where you are going to grow, indoors or out, and if you grow out doors are you going to force flowering by blacking out plant for 12/12 or use the natural diminishing hrs of natural light. I've not grown a haze plant so my knowledge is what I read. Just to shoot from the hip I'd say 75 days from the start of flowering. Remember that flowering times given by seed people are a little shorter and based on 75 perfect days, no hitches like nutrient problems, insect attack, timer failure, extremes in temp, too wet too dry. These are all the things that experience and luck help to overcome.. With all that being said good luck and good patience you'll being smoking what you grew and its always the best..
I am going to be using the deminition sunlight to get the 12/12 timing, so thank you for the answer to my question. I also got Mite X, obviously to help protect with the mites, do you think that is good and will the spray have any effect on the buds when that time comes...the spray is meant to be used on vegtables so i figured it cant be harmful to your body, but maybe it will be if you smoke it??
I wouldn't recommend using Mite X once the plants start flowering. For an idea of when the plants will start flowering under the sun, this is a good website. Check it out. Remember that it will be somewhere around 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness before they start to flower. Mine started around 13/11.

Sunrise and Sunset Calculator

Good luck on the grow!! (They look really good by the way):grinjoint:
I wont use the Mite X with the start of the flowering stage, I am curious why this certain spray would be bad to use at that point and is there anything else i can use to help protect against mites during the flowering stage. I dont want those guys destroying the plants and anything i can use to protect agianst them would be great....also one of my friends told me yesterday that ivory soap can be used to keep deer away from the plants, is this true?? And thanks, Im glad the plants are looking so good im really excited to try the final product.
neem oil, safer soap either a ok just don't spray big buds concentrate on the leaves especially the backs of them. you just keep em knocked down and out grow em hard to eradicate easy to control... every 3 to 5 days up till 4 weeks into bloom then use as needed with care
just before dark works nicely,,
Thanks for the advice everyone, here are some more pictures of the plants. I have a leaf on my plant that is different, the leaf has 11 fingers and i dont think that is supposed to happen?? I tried to put a picture up but it will not allow me to upload the picture. i also have one of the very bottom leaf stems drooping is this a problem, if so how do i fix it?


My plants are beginning to have really yellow looking leaves on the bottom of the plants which are dying off after some time. Im not sure what the cause of this is but there is a picture of this at the bottom. I am also including a picture of a set of leaves that i just discovered, they are purple, i was curious if this was normal or not??

Leaf loss on the lower parts of the plant is totally normal. A few issues are probably causing it, all of which are normal.

As your plant matures, it builds alot of mass in the top area of the plant. This causes some light loss in the inner bottom areas of the plant, thus causing some leaf death.

When the plant is flowering, it pulls alot more from the soil. You'll notice your babies water intake will increase as your plant gets bigger and flowers. It's also pulling alot more nutes (mostly nitrogen I believe) from the soil. This shift in plant metabolism will often cause some minor leaf death. Not a big deal at all. You might consider some additional nutes.

Your babies look great. I wouldn't sweat a bit of lower leaf death at all.

Cheers.... and keep us updated
Is it cold where u are right now? What are ur early morning and night temperatures like? Cold temps commonly cause purpling. This may also be a genetic thing. If its genetic then all of the leaves should be doing the same thing. Good luck and keep us posted. What are u feeding ur plants? At 3-4 weeks u should introduce them to some nutrients. They may have depleted the nutes in the soil already. What sized pots u using?
It normally gets to be about 55-60 at night right now, sometimes warmer sometimes cooler depending on the day. I am using 32 Quart pots right now but i am about to switch them to larger ones because the roots have reached capacity. I feed them miracle grow plant fertilizer which is put into the water before I water them everytime as the instructions say. I water the plants every 2-3 days also. And they have been growing for almost 10-11 weeks already. Ill post some pictures of the plants today after I move them into their new pots.
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