Need help with vegetative and flowering deciduous techniques


Active Member
I have searched a lot about vegetative and flowering deciduous techniques but there is no complete and specific guide on this subject.I want to ask how to defoliate to increase yield, what leaves do I need to drop on a branch.And when does it fall?I look forward to helping thank a lot !
Remove the large fan leaves, blocking any new growth, and remove small "suckling" branches forming on the lower part of main stems. Very similair to trimming any tree, just in a smaller scale. Technically the rule of thumb is first any dead stuff, than any rubbing branches, cannabis can be trained tho, then any branches growing toward the center main lead, but again, we can bend and train the branches. Piching the main top will cause two leads to form.
I have an outdoor perpetual grow in Hawaii. I grow only photoperiod plants, not autos. I keep them in the veg house and use night-interruption lighting to keep them in veg until I'm ready to flower them. I wait until they are transferred to the flower house, and then prune them so that lower bud sites are not shaded, and to open up the air flow (I'm live in a very mold-prone area). I will also clip off the very lowest, small branches coming off the main stem. I clip off small internal branches, and small branches directly below larger branches. I also clip off the "suckers" as Chrondo mentioned... tiny little growths low down on main branches, that develop into tiny buds.

happy growing! 🪴
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