Need help with skinny flowers new member


420 Member
Hey guys I’m new to the whole growing thing and I’m just trying it to see how it goes so far I’m enjoying it but I ran into some problems, I have two plants auto fem and one of them has thick and nice leaves and the other is growing really skinny and thin leaves. I had problems with that exact plant due to it getting to much nutrients even though I didn’t add any yet. Any ideas on why it’s growing so skinny picture is added. I’m from Australia btw so my growing conditions are different and it’s hard to find much Info about growing in Australia. Thanks


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if so what do I feed them in Australia
The same thing you would be feeding them anywhere else. This depends on your soil. Do you know what's in it? Assuming its garden variety dirt or something similar you are going to need a PH pen and some up/down adjusters. The key to feeding nutrients is to make sure the roots can accept them. For that to happen they need to be delivered at the right range.

There is tons of information on this site. Have a look around. :nomo::welcome::bong:
The same thing you would be feeding them anywhere else. This depends on your soil. Do you know what's in it? Assuming its garden variety dirt or something similar you are going to need a PH pen and some up/down adjusters. The key to feeding nutrients is to make sure the roots can accept them. For that to happen they need to be delivered at the right range.

There is tons of information on this site. Have a look around. :nomo::welcome::bong:
I wouldn't waste money on pH up when you can just add more water if you got the pH too low. I haven't heard of anyone with a pH lower than 7 out of the tap. I guess it's possible somewhere though.
They look like happy plants to me but soil isn't my thing. Aussie hydro shops have all the nuts u need. My mate popped 2 bagseed 1 completely sativa the other 100% indica.
That's what I was thinking of his 2 plants in the pics. 1 looks Indica (Fat Leaves) & 1 looks Sativa (Skinny Leaves).
Not that. It’s for a jolt a few weeks before harvest. What you need is a plan and the correct range of nutes to go with that. Again, what you feed them depends entirely on what you are growing in. There are lots of different types of medium and nutrients that go with them. From your pic it looks like garden variety dirt, but you should know. There are stages to growing. You are in the vegetative stage.

You need to read about the basics. Basics. Find the parts that describe your situation.

Look over some journals. FInd some for new growers. Journals. Get a journal and start writing in it. Fill in all the stuff you’ve done so far. Guess the dates, if you cant remember. Write down all the info that is suggested in the “how to make a journal” from this section.

Then go and buy the nutrients you need. You need the full range. Don’t forget the PH pen,

Don’t think it’s too late. It’s not. Most people start exactly how you are starting. I did. :ganjamon:
I wouldn't waste money on pH up when you can just add more water if you got the pH too low. I haven't heard of anyone with a pH lower than 7 out of the tap. I guess it's possible somewhere though.
This is really bad advice
I wouldn't waste money on pH up when you can just add more water if you got the pH too low. I haven't heard of anyone with a pH lower than 7 out of the tap. I guess it's possible somewhere though.
If you add more water you change the concentration of nutrients. You’ll have no idea what strength you’re feeding
just get a good all purpose nutrients mix if you don't have access to a grow shop were you are , if it says its for tomatoes it will work but is not totally ideal , as yes ph and ppm are important , you need a meter for both and a storage solution and a calibration solution , what about amazon ,
plants look to be different phenos thats why they look different.

Growing in soil does NOT require any PH. Ive not once in 22 years worried about PH. good soil will buffer that for you.
A good all purpose fert with a higher N than P and K will work fine. Seagro or nutrifeed if you can get it.
otherwise check out @Amy Gardner journals. she is in Aus and has plenty info on her pages. Besides its a cool place to hang out too. you will for sure pick up some great info there.
Welcome to the community!!
i agree ph doesn't matter in a good high quality organic soil with high microbe counts and organic nutes , as the microbes do the ph work for you but in this case we don't know the quality of the soil in use or the kind of water he is using , he could be using donkey piss for all we know , so yes ph and ppm is important in this case , you need some kind of a rough idea as to where you are at and then when you have a idea you have a base to work from , this is his 1st grow , a couple of grows later when he has a good idea of what his soil and water /nutes do when mixed he probably wont need meters besides it is always better to error on the side of caution if you control your grow you have less chance of problems , and nothing is more discouraging for a new grower than to lose his 1st grow , make the advise fit the calibre of the grower not your experience level .he still needs to even find nutes yet .
I hear you. Wouldnt want him to spend money on something that he wouldnt really need for soil.
PH can also be a completely avoidable nightmare for a new grower. Id avoid worrying about PH as much as possible esp as a new grower. Centuries people have been growing without any of that extra stuff.
here is a very basic recipe for a great soil. its basic but it will work very well to start.
1/2 potting soil (just regular potting soil from nursery with no added nutes )
1/4 Vermi compost (regular will work)
1/4 Perlite.
That is enough to get any grow started.

just looked online for ferts in Aus and there is a product called Charlie Carp all purpose fert. look for this or something similar and follow the instructions. but for the first two feeds go half strength.
if you can drink the water from your tap your soil will buffer it no matter the PH.
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