need help with my first autoflower grow (outdoor, lowryder)


New Member
hi havnt been on the site since last harvest season. i just got a lowryder autoflower seed from bonzaseed (anyone ever grown this strain? if so is it any good?). last year was my first grow and just had some random seeds. since i paid for this one and also havnt ever grown an autoflower i was just looking for some advice. i have to grow outside because i dont have any grow lights. what month should i begin my auto? is it ok to just germinate with paper towels? last year i dug a hole and filled it with soil but didnt realize i shouldnt have 4 plants so close together. do you recommend doing it the same way but only doing 1 plant per hole or would you suggest using a pot or 5 gallon bucket. would greatly appreciate the feedback since im a real newbie. any other advice on questions i havnt asked would also be great since i really dont want to screw this up... bonzaseed also included a free seed called femanized doctor anyone heard of this strain and is it anygood?
I did grow Lowryder AF last summer outdoor so think I can help a little answering your questions.
Germinating it I would personally soak it for 24-48 hours in water before putting it into a wet paper towel. You can start it anytime you like, since it is an autoflower it will flower no matter what light schedule you've got. Mine flowered right on the breeder indications (after 28-30 days). I would use separate pots or holes for each plant and make sure you have plenty of space between them.
They are a resistant strain and don't worry too much they can take the abuse (oh I really abused them), be careful and don't over water or over feed them, because any stress can slow their growth and with such a short life cycle you don't want it to affect your harvest.
As for the other seed sorry haven't heard of it.
I think it is a great plant, personally I enjoyed growing it specially since it was the first strain I grew and I learned plenty from it.
Have a nice grow :morenutes:
so literally submerge the seed in a bowl of water for a day or 2 before using the paper towel? and do u think pots or the ground would be better for it? also what part of the country are you in? im in western MA. thanks for the help appreciate it just wanna get it right the first time plus i only got 1 seed and would like to attempt to clone it.

can anyone tell me if roots can penetrate these kind of pots or if i need to transplant it out? seems to be growing a little slower than i exspected although we havnt had alot of sun the past 2 weeks either
More root space is better for any plant.the roots can go though that in moist soil. pots are good for bad weather situations and are moveable. the first 14 - 21 days is slow unless under extra light.
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