Need help with DWC grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I’m having an issue with one my plants and was wondering if anyone had any insight as to what this could be, I’m pretty sure this a nutrient deficiency. Let me know what you think any help is greatly appreciated.


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just gonna watch for some answers on this one too. i'm planning to try dwc some time and i expect to run into all the issues when i do lol. so many amazing growers here, someone will chime in soon.
Forsure bro, this is only my second ever grow so I’m really just learning the ropes but I feel like it’s going well so far other then this plant. The strain in the first photos is white cookies, I also some lambs breath autoflower going in the same tent and they look great.


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Thank you for the feedback my man, I thought the same thing as I have been going real light with the bloom nutes until now but actually fed bloom nutes this morning so that’s good to hear! I will keep you guys updated as things progress
Alright guys so here’s an update, I believe the phosphorus feeding helped but it hasn’t recovered fully... I’m being patient instead of adding more but I figured I’d see what you guys thought... I’m also having a minor issue on another plant, let me know what you think it is
This is the plant with the phosphorus def ... so it looks like it’s recovering, no?


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Now this is another plant that was showing no signs of tox or def.... so what do my fellow green thumbs say about this? Any advice, let me know.
Stay medicated.


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@Pennywise sorry to call upon you, but I was curious as to what you thought the new pics of the other plant looked like? Can’t be a P def... atleast I don’t think cuz I fed it that .... any help would be greatly appreciated. I really need some help with this grow, and I’m sure not to many people are amped to help a newb but I could really use the help. Regardless, thank you for reading.
the chart looks like it says P deficiency. Late stage.

No the p def was on the yellow leaf plant, the other two pictures are a different plant and I’m wondering what you think that could be cuz I know it isn’t p def obviously. I just don’t know what that is and thought maybe you’d be able to help me out.
Phosphorus normally isn't spotty like that, it occurs in big blotches

I just realized calcium isn't on the chart lol.

so if you have a deficiency like that, what's gonna be your first go to? I had plants suffering from everything until i realized the less is not always more lol. fed them more and they're looking better. but first I tested my meter a couple times. meter was fine so i was stuck chasing it until i figured out they needed more of everything.
Nah remmy, your good. There’s three pics, one has a p def... the other two have a different issue.. so I think that’s where you got confused
Nah remmy, your good. There’s three pics, one has a p def... the other two have a different issue.. so I think that’s where you got confused
Hopefully cal is the prob, you can fix easy. i'll be watching for an update. still trying to learn how to diagnose myself. i need a better chart :laughtwo:
What happens normally is either ph or something in the environment locks out a nutrient and that ends up locking out others. If you don't catch quickly you have several things going at once.
Alright penny so you think it’s a cal/mag issue? I will feed light cal/mag when it’s lights on. That plant actually just recovered from a nitro tox but hasn’t gotten taller yet.. do you think I should begin grow mutes again? Or hold off?
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