Need Help with Auto Moby Dick XXL


New Member
I am fairly new to growing but not a absolute beginner. I have planted one Auto Moby Dick XXL and the seedling came out with 4 leaves and everything was fine.

Now these leaves started developing yellow patches and I think it is nute burn. But I am using organic neem based fertilizer on coco peat and small stones (don't have access to perlite yet) as growing medium. Used fertilizer only after 4 seedlings leaves came out.

I have 2 CFL of 23w Warm White and 27w Cool White for light and growing it at open terrace on 11th floor.

I am keeping this simple and sticking to basics as I like imitating close to natural condition without any complications.

My question is what should I do now to get the nute under control & also I am living in India so at evening there are lots of insect around the light, how should I control them?
You really don't need any nutrients when they are this young (seedling) just 5.7 - 5.8pH water in coco is needed until they get 3-4 sets of leaves. Once 3-4 sets of leaves, you can start a low EC/TDS/PPM of nutrients in the EC .5-.6 , 250-300ppm range.

Coco is good about not compacting like soil, you can grow in coco without perlite...perlite does help though with water retention & aeration of medium. It's important in coco to water everyday according to size of plant & container with drain holes/slots to 15%-20% run off.

On the insects you might want to get fly paper/ insect sticky cards, or just move it inside away from insects. :Namaste:
I have planted one more seed and this time in a small glass container with neutral coco peat (no nutes in coco peat just washed with bottled water) and after 6 days the tips started to turn yellow. Also on 4th day I added very little dry organic fertilizer on top of the soil and didn't water the plant at all. So the fertilizer had not entered the soil yet.

Help me to understand what I am doing wrong? Is the light too close to burn off the leaves? False leaves are still there but 2nd pair of true leaves has started to come.
You can keep CFL's 2"-3" away will be fine. Make sure you have a container with drain holes. You have two sets of true leaves (jagged) and the bottom cotyledon leaves (smooth).

5.8ph water and no fert/nutrients until 3-4 sets of true leaves....she doesn't look bad, just keep an eye on the seedling.

Also, with Auto plants they really don't like being transplanted, so start them in their final container/pot & give them a lot of light, that's when they do their best.
So should i water it as container is nutella chocolate spread container and does not have holes or should i remove the soil with the plant and put it in a big pot? I am not watering it yet as the soil is still wet from inside.

White stones you see are the fertilizer which has not been watered yet!! Its the same neem based fertilizer.
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