Need help to ID and eradicate multiple pests in hydro


New Member
I need help with my hydro garden. Answers geared to soil or other mediums (sand, diatomaceous earth etc) don't really apply. I need help specifically for Hydroponic. I need help with my hydro garden. I'm on a 3 week rotation. Cuts in turbo kloner to 4x4x4 rockwool cubes on a flood and drain table for veg and then into 1 of 3 ebb and flow bucket sets covered in hydroton for a total of 9 weeks in flower. I began having some trouble with what I though were fungus gnats and used mosquito dunks in my rez (55 gal in size but running 40 galleons) and it seemed to help but not fix things. After harvesting that round of plants I noticed 2 things both bad. First yield was down...ALOT and the taste was not up to standard. I then stop using the dunks because of that and while it may be a coincidence in this case flavor did came back, but not yield. I decided that the yield being low was due to some lock out or deficiencies and what I was dealing with was a magnesium deficiency. I run several different strains and used the Botanicare full line of nutrient. I have recently switch to the Advance Nutriments PH Perfect Grow Bloom Micro line and there was no difference in the plant troubles. For me veg would go fine and the plants look great and healthy. I'm still running the Botanicare in veg, CNS 17 Grow plus Cal-Mag, Karma, Sweet, and HyrdoGuard. The trouble starts early in bloom generally between weeks 2 and 3 and it was almost like light shock. I flower under 1000 watt HPS and MH mixed and veg under HO florescent. Plants are very healthy throughout veg. After the move I start seeing yellowing of leaves where the leaf is papery, tan and then dead. Many other leaves start becoming more translucent and turn a light green. Then most of the larger fan leaves start to go yellow with the veins staying green before they turn completely banana yellow and fall off or hang tan dry and crispy until they are removed. As I said I thought the problem was a magnesium deficiency and did all I could to address it. I always use RO water because I'm on a well and the water is not good at all. Somewhere in the 400- 600 ppm out of the well zero out of the RO. I added Epsom salts and misted with it as well, backed off on nutrient, changed ratios, changed nutrients, tried drip clean and more but nothing solved my deficiency.

I now have discovered what I think has been the problem all along.....root aphids, NOT fungus Gnats. I had an out break of "fungus gnats" and used the dunks and pest strips and a couple bug bombs and was left with few if any flying bugs and still to this day rarely see anything on my yellow traps. But I still have the same issues AND I keep finding what I though was fungus gnat larva in my rez. I figured the gnats were laying eggs in my medium and they were getting washed back to the rez where they hatched. They float around in packs and wiggle and jump around like lice or something Finally I saw what I think can only be a aphid and took a very close look at what I found sweeping up the floor and notice that the wings were much longer than gnats and the concluded I have aphids. Some winged and some not. So at this point I went through and got a sample of every pest I could find and did a video and pictures to post and ask for help to fix it. I think I may have gnats as well as the aphids but the "larva" I'm not sure of. Are they gnat larva, aphid larva, or as someone told me they are actually springtail and they are not bad but are in fact feeding on the bad guys.

I posted a video to you-tube (
) it is about 7 1/2 minutes long made of short clips strung together with several views of the pests I have at different stages of development. And I have a bunch of close up stills as well. I need to banish these bastards from my garden and to do so I need to know what they all are and how to kill them.

It is very important that what ever I do doesn't destroy the flavor profile of the plants and that I can use it in flower as I'm in perpetual harvest and have plants at all different phases of life from cuttings to flowers 6 weeks in.

Any ideas for a solutions to rid my garden of all these pests and maintain the quality of the plants. As I said when I used the dunks I had flavor issues. Has anyone used dunks and noticed bad flavor? Help me find my way past these pests and phantom lockouts back to a healthy garden.

Thanks to all!
It's definitely root aphids. Those are great pictures of them. Not sure what the larvae is, but it definitely could be root aphid larvae. Unfortunately, there is no "nice" way to get rid of those bastards. I had them recently and, while I can't say for sure that I've gotten rid of them completely, I haven't actually SEEN one in a few weeks, which is a HUGE improvement from the masses of them that I had crawling around in my trays and pots and res.

I hate to say it, but I used Imidacloprid (root drench) and lambda-cyhalothrinon (root drench and foliar) on all my veg plants as an initial control [These are dangerous chemicals and should not be used without proper research beforehand and safety gear to prevent exposure]. Since then, I have been letting the root zone dry out for as long as possible before giving them water again and (this may not be possible for you) I also switched to drain-to-waste from recirculating. I also gave them double the normal dose of h2o2 in their water for a couple of weeks. Like I said, it SEEMS to have worked for now... All I can say for sure is that it wiped out a huge number of them initially and I have been on the look out for them ever since and haven't seen one in several weeks. The aphids can leave the plants susceptible to diseases, so make sure to keep your room clean and the humidity down while you're dealing with this and for a while afterwards.

If you don't feel like going the chemical route, then you're better off chopping the entire garden, sterilizing everything, and starting over after a month or two long break. These guys are no joke.
Thanks for the help.

I fear nothing at this point. I did a bug bomb and started cleaning up and plan to do the drench and or just add the IMID to my rez and run it a day or 2 then change out for new. I also love the idea of running H2O2 as I have not been able to in a long while as I was running mostly organic stuff which can be its own problem in hydro anyway. So i was wondering of you could share your H2O2 dosage that worked for you as well as the dosage for the IMID and Lamba-Cyholo. As for drying out I flood and drain once a day after lights on so short of running off a cycle timer (which I could do if it would help) I can't go less. looking forward to your thoughts. Do you know of a more cost effective source of the IMID/Lam than buying at a hydro store? Thanks again.
Look each of those up on google and you will see what I mean. It's stuff you can get at home depot or walmart. I don't really want to make recommendations about those chems since I guessed myself, but I'll try and give you some vague advice.

I used the recommended amount of cyhalothrinon (synthetic pyrethrum) for both the spray and the root drench. The brand I used didn't recommend doing the root drench, but I did it anyway with the same dilution as the spray.

The imid has lots of different brand names with varying concentrations (Merit is the strongest - I think, Bayer is probably the most popular). I just went by the bottle. I took a 12" diameter circular pot to be a square foot (even though it's not quite that big), because they don't really have recommendations for potted plants. I applied it by watering until I started to see a little dribble of run off then I let it sit in the medium for 24hours and then watered with regular nutes until about 50% run off. I did a repeat application a week later (not recommended by the bottle). Just so you know, Imid got a really bad rap a couple of years ago because it kills bees. It's illegal to posses in a couple cities/states in the us, but it's approved for commercial agriculture use in the UN.

The root aphids that I had did a number on the plants that they infected. Be prepared for your plants to look like they are crash diving all of a sudden - if the infestation was bad. Apparently if you have fliers, then they have already completely eaten the roots of at least one of your plants. I thought I had had the worst of the bugs until these guys showed up.
I use 30% h2o2 at 2ml/gal right now, but when I was running a recirculating system, it was alot harder to keep track of. I kept track of it on my calendar - every three days I would top the res off with fresh water up to a point in the res where I knew the gallonage (like the handle or something like that). Then I would add 30% h2o2 at 2ml-3ml/gal.
Thanks for the tips. i will do the H2O2 as you outlined after I get cleaned up and treated with imid drench program to kill them of through athe whole life cycle. Thanks for the help its time to nuke this things.
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