Need Help - Plants Are Dying!


New Member
Need help - friend's plants are dying has tried everything, I didn't see anything like they described to me for the cause. indoor grow room, they said something about orange spot on stem that isn't bug that smears when wiped also complete collapes of plant, soil has orange tint after a few days anything anyone might know about ? Please help they are at wits end , already lost 60 % !
Re: Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Need help - friend's plants are dying has tried everything, I didn't see anything like they described to me for the cause. indoor grow room, they said something about orange spot on stem that isn't bug that smears when wiped also complete collapes of plant, soil has orange tint after a few days anything anyone might know about ? Please help they are at wits end , already lost 60 % !

No one can help you without seeing a PICTURE, sorry, but that's the deal...
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