Need help identifying source of dry leaves and necrosis.


New Member
Hello :420:!

I am making this post for a friend of mine who is growing for the first time. He is growing an unknown strain in soil. I know he mixed the soil with a bit of cow dung that he picked from a pasture (picked in autumn, dung has probably laid there since summer). He is not fertilizing the water but added some kind of slow release capsule. I can't give more detailed info since it is not my own grow.

As you can see there is some damage to most leaves. The top is better than the bottom so I think we can rule out heat stress. Is it just N-burn? Cal-mag def? Pests eating the roots? PH fluctuation? I looked around a bit at troubleshooting charts but no picture I saw made me convinced that I ID'd the problem.


Thanks for your help. Appreciate any input! :Namaste:
Growing with uncomposted manure can lead to some problems.

If its not composted correctly and its watered too much, it can lead to anaerobic bacteria but its hard to say.

Has he been getting water on the leaves when watering?
looks like combined so would check heat and nutrient as it looks like more then one thing going on heat stress and salt build up combined with deficency but i never seen it in afk mode.
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