The very bottom of my leaves have turned a bright yellow and know the yellowing has started to spread to the next higher growth. I need help fast, what is wrong & how do i stop it.
My plant is like a month old, just over a week ago i added some ferts becuase a couple of my plants showed some signs of narcosis which indicated a difficentcy. After about 4/5 days the very bottom of my largest plant showed signs of yellowing but the other twwo did not. So i figured i overfertilized the largest one so i flushed the pot with water to try and get rid of some fert's. Then just a couple days ago i saw one of the other plants bottoms leaves are yellowing also. Now the largest plants leaves are completly yellow and it has moved on to the newst growth. I am growing indoors, under like 4 40 watt flou's, 2 65 grow bulbs, and 1 125w grow bulb, the largest plant is about 1 foot 4 inches. Please Help
it could have been over fertilized, over watered, heat or bad air flow, do you have good ventilation or air circulation? How hot does it getin your grow area? there is a couple different things that could turn your plants yellow.