
Active Member
About 3 weeks into my first DWC grow. I started noticing these tiny little brown spots on the lower leaves which has now spread to the rest of the leaves except the newly grown ones. I check my pH every day twice a day. Usually stays between 5.5-6.2. Temp inside the tent (tent is 2x2) averages at 77 F. Been using frozen water bottles to keep my reservoir cool. Temp in the reservoir averages 68-74 F. I use General Hydroponics Grow(1 tsp), GH Bloom(1 tsp) and Hydroguard(1/2 tsp) to prevent root rot. I have a fan sucking air out to keep the air circulating. Also have a fan directed towards the plant it’s self running on low. Been doing all kinds of research, but I can’t narrow it down to one thing. Calcium, magnesium, pH issues, or root rot are the only pictures I’ve seen that resemble anything close to what mine look like. Any kind of help or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

About 3 weeks into my first DWC grow. I started noticing these tiny little brown spots on the lower leaves which has now spread to the rest of the leaves except the newly grown ones. I check my pH every day twice a day. Usually stays between 5.5-6.2. Temp inside the tent (tent is 2x2) averages at 77 F. Been using frozen water bottles to keep my reservoir cool. Temp in the reservoir averages 68-74 F. I use General Hydroponics Grow(1 tsp), GH Bloom(1 tsp) and Hydroguard(1/2 tsp) to prevent root rot. I have a fan sucking air out to keep the air circulating. Also have a fan directed towards the plant it’s self running on low. Been doing all kinds of research, but I can’t narrow it down to one thing. Calcium, magnesium, pH issues, or root rot are the only pictures I’ve seen that resemble anything close to what mine look like. Any kind of help or opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Are you using R/O water? If so, are you adding Cal-Mag?
Are you using R/O water? If so, are you adding Cal-Mag?

Not using r/o water or cal-mag. I’ve looked into r/o water systems beforehand, but also have seen reviews of not needing them? Spoke to a guy at a hydroponics store who said I wouldn’t need any cal-mag using GH Grow. Took his word for it, but now I feel I should’ve done a little more research.
Not using r/o water or cal-mag. I’ve looked into r/o water systems beforehand, but also have seen reviews of not needing them? Spoke to a guy at a hydroponics store who said I wouldn’t need any cal-mag using GH Grow. Took his word for it, but now I feel I should’ve done a little more research.

Well, he is mixed up, but you should be OK. When using R/O, you need to add Cal-Mag, since the R/O process strips those minerals out. GH Grow and other nute manufacturers do not typically add Cal-Mag since many people don't use R/O. Usually, you don't need to add Cal-Mag when using tap water, but, if your tap water is too high in PPM's, it can create other issues. Do you know the EC/PPM's of your tap water?
I’ve looked into r/o water systems beforehand, but also have seen reviews of not needing them?

Were the reviews given by someone with similar equipment and environmental values? Using the same brands you use?

Don't go by what you read unless it's close to your givens or you can translate it to said.
Were the reviews given by someone with similar equipment and environmental values? Using the same brands you use?

Don't go by what you read unless it's close to your givens or you can translate it to said.

Yeah. I think that’s why I decided to come here and create a profile. Already feel better about the community here helping me along the way moving forward. Hard lesson learned I suppose.
Well, he is mixed up, but you should be OK. When using R/O, you need to add Cal-Mag, since the R/O process strips those minerals out. GH Grow and other nute manufacturers do not typically add Cal-Mag since many people don't use R/O. Usually, you don't need to add Cal-Mag when using tap water, but, if your tap water is too high in PPM's, it can create other issues. Do you know the EC/PPM's of your tap water?

I don’t. Actually just ordered a new pen that tests those levels. Should be here in a couple days. Been reading a lot about ec/ppm’s and started feeling benhind the curb.
Yeah. I think that’s why I decided to come here and create a profile. Already feel better about the community here helping me along the way moving forward. Hard lesson learned I suppose.

Don't give up. All isn't lost until you open the tent and see a plant in the dying cockroach position. A little stress early on is a good thing, IMHO. It's how quick you can recover that determines final outcome, again IMHO.
I don’t. Actually just ordered a new pen that tests those levels. Should be here in a couple days. Been reading a lot about ec/ppm’s and started feeling benhind the curb.

OK...So here's my opinion...

First, you did a good job in your initial post with your guess that you're looking either PH, Calcium, Magnesium, or root rot. :welldone:

Honestly, it doesn't really look like root rot where the whole leaves get yellow, shriveled, and eventually the whole leaf brown and dies. Plus, assuming you're changing your res once per week, or so (as you should!), you would notice the brown roots.

Calcium deficiencies appear in the new growth and Mag is a mobile nutrient, so new leaves pull the mag from the older growth and you'll see it spread up the plant.

Either way, most common reason for these issues, which can often occur together, is PH being out of range. Your PH does not appear to be, but first thing I would do is to make sure that PH pen is calibrated accurately to completely rule out the PH.

Assuming it's not PH, I would say it's the water source and to try to get some R/O, distilled, purified, rain, or spring water (NOT well water!), and see if that helps. Not everyone's tap water is conducive to hydro! ;)

Can you post pics of the whole plant?


OK...So here's my opinion...

First, you did a good job in your initial post with your guess that you're looking either PH, Calcium, Magnesium, or root rot. :welldone:

Honestly, it doesn't really look like root rot where the whole leaves get yellow, shriveled, and eventually the whole leaf brown and dies. Plus, assuming you're changing your res once per week, or so (as you should!), you would notice the brown roots.

Calcium deficiencies appear in the new growth and Mag is a mobile nutrient, so new leaves pull the mag from the older growth and you'll see it spread up the plant.

Either way, most common reason for these issues, which can often occur together, is PH being out of range. Your PH does not appear to be, but first thing I would do is to make sure that PH pen is calibrated accurately to completely rule out the PH.

Assuming it's not PH, I would say it's the water source and to try to get some R/O, distilled, purified, rain, or spring water (NOT well water!), and see if that helps. Not everyone's tap water is conducive to hydro! ;)

Can you post pics of the whole plant?



I will try other options for water starting ASAP. Possibly start with distilled water and see how that goes. I don’t think it’s root rot either. Magnesium pulling from lower parts of the plant is interesting. I’ll double check the magnesium levels. When researching, I thought magnesium deficiency was closely related to what I’ve been dealing with.

Here are a pics from the moment I started noticing the brown spots.


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OK...So here's my opinion...

First, you did a good job in your initial post with your guess that you're looking either PH, Calcium, Magnesium, or root rot. :welldone:

Honestly, it doesn't really look like root rot where the whole leaves get yellow, shriveled, and eventually the whole leaf brown and dies. Plus, assuming you're changing your res once per week, or so (as you should!), you would notice the brown roots.

Calcium deficiencies appear in the new growth and Mag is a mobile nutrient, so new leaves pull the mag from the older growth and you'll see it spread up the plant.

Either way, most common reason for these issues, which can often occur together, is PH being out of range. Your PH does not appear to be, but first thing I would do is to make sure that PH pen is calibrated accurately to completely rule out the PH.

Assuming it's not PH, I would say it's the water source and to try to get some R/O, distilled, purified, rain, or spring water (NOT well water!), and see if that helps. Not everyone's tap water is conducive to hydro! ;)

Can you post pics of the whole plant?



Here are photos from beginning to present time. I’ve been attempting the “fluxing” idea. Not sure I’ve made the right decision as far as my first grow goes, but it seemed like a great way to maximize the yield. I topped at the 3rd node and plan on LST the plant to grow horizontally.


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Here are photos from beginning to present time. I’ve been attempting the “fluxing” idea. Not sure I’ve made the right decision as far as my first grow goes, but it seemed like a great way to maximize the yield. I topped at the 3rd node and plan on LST the plant to grow horizontally.


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You may be panicking for nothing, Brother! Using distilled water (or any water that you know what's in it! :D ) can't hurt, but just keep an eye on the new growth. Those are still seedlings and just getting their footing and they really don't look that bad. They may just grow out of that!

BTW, fluxing is pretty cool but takes MUCH longer to really train the plant. You can get multiple harvests (usually, of multiple plants!) in the time it takes to do a single flux! I usually would only recommend fluxing to people who have lots of space & time.
I will definitely consider that. Appreciate all the insight. I'll be posting a journal here later, so hopefully that will come with other's helpful insights and recommendations as well. :peace:
BTW, fluxing is pretty cool but takes MUCH longer to really train the plant. You can get multiple harvests (usually, of multiple plants!) in the time it takes to do a single flux! I usually would only recommend fluxing to people who have lots of space & time.

That and I'm a firm believer in when first learning the growing game (or if you are using a new medium type, as that can be like starting over to a point) to just keep things as simple as possible, after you have it down then you can mess with adding more to the equation or trying to increase your yield by using more "advanced" growing methods. But I have that 'if it can happen it will happen to me" kind of luck thing going the majority of the time ;)
That and I'm a firm believer in when first learning the growing game (or if you are using a new medium type, as that can be like starting over to a point) to just keep things as simple as possible, after you have it down then you can mess with adding more to the equation or trying to increase your yield by using more "advanced" growing methods. But I have that 'if it can happen it will happen to me" kind of luck thing going the majority of the time ;)

Amen to that, Brother! :adore:
That and I'm a firm believer in when first learning the growing game (or if you are using a new medium type, as that can be like starting over to a point) to just keep things as simple as possible, after you have it down then you can mess with adding more to the equation or trying to increase your yield by using more "advanced" growing methods. But I have that 'if it can happen it will happen to me" kind of luck thing going the majority of the time ;)

Before getting started I researched for many weeks on different growing techniques. Me being a highly stubborn, slightly OCD driven, and a glutton for punishment type of individual, I basically found myself exactly where I thought I would. Lol. BUT! I do feel the change-of-mind building after a couple conversations. I've already topped the plant at the above the 3rd node, so I may just revert to my original idea of using my homemade SCROG and LST. My goal is maximum yield, but I do sort of feel "out of my league" as far as a first time grower goes. Finishing up a few things and beginning my journal up soon.
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