Need help 9 day old plant


420 Member
Soil grow in 4x4 grow tent 300 watt led grow light 20 inches from top of plant heats around 85 degrees i have a small clip on fan blowing between light and plant planta green but today started to sag a bit never waterd 2 much enoigh to wet the pot with a bit of drainage started a bit of fertalizer really waterd down and humidity is at 40% strain is white castle


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We need more information to help you out. Please see the thread "How to Ask for Grow Support." The link is in my signature. Pictures taken under natural light would be appreciated, as they are easier to diagnose.
9/10 it is over watering by the look of it. Also, it looks like you are using cardboard pots. Those pots hold on to too much water imo as they wick up the water and keep the soil wet for too long, making it harder to fix this problem. I recommend putting a fan on the plants to help dry them out, not too windy though as they are young. Also, you don't need to feed that early, but that shouldn't hurt anything.

The leaves are curling because they are literally too heavy from all of the water they are holding and because the roots can't breath. Once the soil dries out some, she should perk back up, but that's only the start of recovery. Don't water at this point, but when the soil is fully dried to let her fully recover or you will end up with root rot.

Good Luck!
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