Need Dr to help in Rhode Island. Anyone?


New Member
I am looking for a doctor who would be willing to prescribe me medical marijauna. I live in Rhode Island. I am Bi-polar with pschizo tendencies. My biggest ailments is I suffer from anxiety, my mind races, and I have trouble sleeping. If I smoke I am much more relaxed, mind is calm and I sleep like a baby. Without weed I am usually on edge and need like 16 beers to fall asleep. I am sick of drinking and sick of buying weed from illegal pot dealers. Can I get help? Who can help me? Where do I go and what do I do?
hello, and :welcome:to 420Mag! I myself went through similar confusion and worried about obtaining my card.There are Dr's in RI who will help if you qualify. Their biggest concern and one they swore an oath to uphold is first to do no harm. So if you show them the benefits of MMJ and the down side if any how could any DR refuse? Let us know what happens.
The Providence Sunday Journal publised a list of all Dr's with more than 10 patients recommended to the RI Medical Marijuana Program. The list was published in the sunday paper on either the 14th of March or the 21st 2010
Dr Dennis Miklovich has over 100 recommendations and is not the biggest
Have you looked into B & B Consulting? My primary care doctor is in Massachusetts, but my other providers are located in RI. My primary care dr can sign my application, but I'm not sure if she will be on board. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to B & B.
The Mass card does not do any good in RI, so I'm not clear why you would recommend that route for someone who does not live in that state.

If I missed something in your reply, please clarify.
Oh. Sorry if my reply was not clear. I live in RI, but was mentioning that I know that my doctor who is licensed in Mass is authorized to sign my application for RI MMJ. I'm not sure if she will agree with me and sign it, so I have a plan B to go to if not successful with my own doctor.
I found 11th State Consultations in Providence Ri...They called back within 5hrs and gave me a date as quick as May!!!! Hope that helps!!!!
Okay that's great. I didn't realize that 11th State was reopened (they were shut down by the state last year). I truly hope that everything works out for you.
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