need advice on old weed.


New Member
hey everyone. this is my first post with my new acc. my old one was smokeymcfly.

anyhow, i've got a little more than a q of some really moist blueberry that has gotten old. The problem isn't that the weed has dried out, but since it was so moist it's started growing mold.

I know i can't smoke the weed but i was wondering if i could use it to make cannabutter. Does fire beat mold? or would i get just as sick as smoking it?

lemme know before i throw this weed out.

-Cheers :bongrip:
the heat of an oven will kill the mold. what the oven doesnt get, your stomach acid will
thanks for the input, but the 2 differing opinions are making it a tough call. anyone else know if this is ok/have done this/know it will kill me?

so there's no absolutely no chance this can kill me or make me sick?
it's a bunch of white mold that we originally thought was crystal growth. the bud looks like it's covered in crystal but on a closer look you can tell it's white mold. It still smells like bud, but this was some stanky ass weed when it was fresh.

It's definately not dry, the weed's still very moist. so is this a good idea or should i take Ms. Fox's advice and just not risk it?

I smoked moldy weed once... back in my noob days... don't do it! That shit was whack. It tasted spicy. Making butter outta it might not be so bad though. Spicy butter?
Mold and fungi spores are virtually indestructable . Do not ingest either .:thedoubletake:
You should be fine. I mean, penicillin and blue cheese are made from moldy components. It might not taste as good as fresh stuff but it won't kill you.
True ... penicillin and blue cheese are derived from a strain of mold is TB. What you don't know ...CAN HURT YOU . I repeat .. never ingest an unknown species of mold or fungus .:smokin:
I agree with Paladin. It's simply NOT worth it. Be safe and healthy. :peace:
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