Really need the right advice here. I'd say I'm about 3-4 weeks away (could be wrong). Last year in my blooming stage, I made the mistake of using this farmers phosphorus fertilizer, I think all it did was burn my plant and decrease my yield. This year, tried something new.... I've been watering (not over watering) them daily with steeped worm casting tea. My plants look really healthy. You can see in my picture they are definately on their way to blooming. I've been asking for awhile about adding phosphorus. From what I've been hearing, if it ain't broke why try and fix? Also heard I should add a small phosphorus amount to boost growth.... This is my conflict. I got this new liquid 5-22-5 non corrosive fertilizer from a fertilizer factory..... I've been told to cut down on my watering, to let the plants dry up more at this stage.... I understand and I will.... In fact the last 2 weeks I'll just use straight tap water every 2-3 days. Keep in mind, I'm growing in a small poly greenhouse. Should I go ahead and give it some of this fertilizer?