National Cannabis Union


New Member
I believe Members here at 420 should start a new group. It should be called NARC; Ironic to the Narc's the Gov employs.





Focus of this group should be to educate people of all ages about Cannabis. So many of our tax dollars are WASTED in the 37 states that do not have a MMJ law. There are GLOBAL issues that require attention and money but yet local issues such as someone growing a plant to smoke make headlines all over the internet and papers. We have rising temps world wide, rising sea levels. The North American recognition of cannabis as a recreational drug could help compete with the rising sea levels. Imagine if it were made national. People seem to be ignorant to the overall of situations occurring all over the world which do not directly affect them. A national legalization act should take place but in order people need to unite first and plan. I think this could be the start of something good. I am already a fan of 420mag
Myzz my friend there are also Tax dollars wasted on persecuting and prosecuting users inside MMJ States where LEO and prosecutors disregard MMJ Law. We as a Nation must end the foolish and shameful Prohibition against Cannabis. If there is any doubt of this look at Eddy Lepp and others like him serving lengthy sentences for MMJ. If this is not proof enough and you think it's just the Feds here is a case where I was Busted within days of being licensed and having NO usuable MMJ within my posession.

I like the idea of organized resistance and change but I will not sign on to be called a NARC.
Thx for the response Wingman. It is not just the Feds so i agree with you. This is more of an attempt to try to get people to unite and educate ppl of what is going on. I am sure people are aware and perhaps a term or label does not help the cause. The question is how to get people to unite and protest and make a huge change? I can imagine if 5 to 10,000 people were to show up in DC and protest MMJ prohibition and demand that patients and citizens in the US be granted the freedom to smoke and grow for their own personal reasons they would have to do something. To waste Tax dollars and persecute people over a drug that is not as harmful as Alcohol makes no sense and should not be tolerated by tax payers.
sign me up ,you are so right, but yet we still go stelth with growin, as well with not saying any thing, i do my part every time it comes up to make a stand with anything i stand true to, so why what was so freely given to us as a med. is so not right for us, let me dicide whats good for me not the take my rights gov.
Right on my friend. If one state or 13 states can have it why not all states? Whats good for one patient is not good for all? Such silly things, I dont really want to put a title on people I just want to figure out a way for people to become organized and make an effort for a push towards accepting weed and stop demonizing it.
Well we have Norml and CAMP420 as well as a few others. The problem is that too many get high and just say 'oh well'... that and we'd need a couple semi's of cereal.. OH WAIT, that could be a HUGE benefit for a major cereal company. Like $1 a bowl for some frosted flakes.. anyway, the real point is that pot smokers are usually mellow. It takes sitting down and learning about what's being done to us as a nation to really piss people off enough to say enough is enough. People need to realize that even though it's still considered an illegal drug, voting wont get the police knocking at your door.

No matter if someone smokes or not, this vote's not so much about pot as it is RIGHTS. The RIGHT to choose... how many rights are people willing to lose before they fight back? The government was designed as a body controlled by The People, FOR The People. We went from Big Brother to Big Bully and that's how they treat us!
Here, here and how true. Seeing how NORML works, but not aggressively towards achieving the legal use of mary jane for adults in a free society. We can drink till we die, smoke to we have cancer but if you wanna smoke a substance that wont harm you BAM goes a jail door! WTF
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