N.Y. Farmers Back Marijuana

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Bureau supports legalizing the drug for medical purposes. As the new year approaches, resolutions are flying like snow.

But the most interesting may be from the New York Farm Bureau: Legalize medical marijuana.

The conservative group represents 31,000 farm families usually more interested in seed stock, pesticides and labor issues.

It's the first time a state farm bureau has come out in favor of marijuana for patients who are in pain or have flagging appetites.

"They jumped the fence," said Keith Stroup, spokesman for NORML. The acronym for the Washington, D.C., group stands for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

The seven-word resolution was passed at the group's annual policy-setting meeting, held in Buffalo earlier this month.

"It did pass, but it doesn't say anything more than we support medical marijuana use," said Farm Bureau spokeswoman Muriel Church.

Most other resolutions, she said, are annotated "in more depth."

This year's resolutions still are being compiled for distribution to members.

Resolutions more typical of the group support agricultural biotechnology; oppose mandatory neighbor notification for pesticide spraying; and reject collective bargaining rights for agricultural workers.

The resolution to support medical marijuana joins another offbeat resolution passed by the bureau last year, which supports legalization of industrial-grade hemp. Farm bureaus in about 12 other mostly Midwestern
states support the growing of this nonpsychoactive relative of marijuana for
production and manufacturing.

About 70 national groups have called for legalizing medical marijuana, including the American Public Health Association.

But none was surprising -- until the New York Farm Bureau, said Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the NORML Foundation.

"It seems, at least from afar, that (medical marijuana) is incongruous with their mission statement," he said. "Most of these groups are remarkably conservative."

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:08:56 -0800
From: RKSTROUP@aol.com (by way of "D. Paul Stanford" <stanford@crrh.org>)
To: restore@crrh.org
Subject: NY Farm Bureau Endorsement
Message-ID: <>
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