Mystery Strains Under 1000W AirCooled


420 Member
All 8 plants are mystery seeds! I have acquired them through bags. The bud that the seeds have come from is top shelf quality. Any help in distinguishing the strain would be incredibly helpful along this journey! I am thinking that they are Indica by the way they have started growing.

The plants are 35 days are 21 days old. I started 4 seeds December 19, 2018, and planted the sprouted seeds December 22, 2018. I then decided that my grow area and light would allow for more plants, plus the fact that I’m unaware whether they’ll turn out female or not! I started germinating the second crop January 2, 2019, and planted the germinated seeds January 5, 2019.

Plant age = 35 days Crop 1, 21 Days Crop 2. Approximately 2 weeks separate the crops.

I am growing in an unfinished basement that I have converted into grow space. I used an 2 layers of emergency blankets which are very similar to mylar.

I’m growing 4 plants in 4-gallon pots that I drilled holes in myself and 4 plants in 5-gallon Rhizopots. They’re planted in Stepwell Super Soil.

I’m using a mavericksun HID Air-cooled hood running 1000w VivoSun MH bulb for flower and 1000W HPS for flower. I’m running a VivoSun 8” duct fan to cool the light and direct the heat out of the grow space using 8” duct.

The temperature of the grow space has held steadily between 75-82 while the RH was low in the beginning, around 30-35, but have added house plants, humidifier and open buckets of water to increase humidity. Since then RH has held steadily around 40-60.

Watering when the soil is dry and misting plants daily. Its advised to water with RO filtered water but I do not have an in-home RO system. I am watering with Brita filtered water at room temp.
I’m not using any nutrients in the vegetative stage as advised by local grow store expert as the soil contains all that the plants need. He recommended a nutrient similar to CalMag for the flowering stage but am open to any opinions!

I am training my plants by topping them after the 3rd or 4th node and am going to be building a SCROG using ¾” pvc in the coming weeks, photo’s to follow!

Questions I have

Is the Brita filtered water sufficient for watering needs?
Does my tent look good?

Please share your thoughts and let me know how I am doing on my first operation!


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You've put a lot of work into setting up a grow space for mystery seeds! At this stage it's anyone's guess...maybe you can start narrowing it down to indica with the width of the leaves...

If you drink the water then, imo, it's good enough for the plants. So far they look healthy.

Haha, I know right! But this has turned into an incredible hobby and I don't mind investing time into the project!

Makes it a fun first time grow to have mystery seeds! LOL
Thanks for the response in regards to the water, will continue using the filtered water.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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