My SLH is flowering


420 Member
Hello everyone. My first SLH is starting to flower (I think). I will try to attach a link to the photo. Maybe someone can let me know if this is a sign of good things to come. From what I understand, I am now supposed to only water. NO vitamins. Anxiously awaiting your expert advise.
Thank you, Richard
SLH 01.jpg
Hello everyone. My first SLH is starting to flower (I think). I will try to attach a link to the photo. Maybe someone can let me know if this is a sign of good things to come. From what I understand, I am now supposed to only water. NO vitamins. Anxiously awaiting your expert advise.
Thank you, Richard
SLH 01.jpg
Hey Richard nice work buddy.
If your in soil you should b3 feeding flowering nutrients.
Do you have any?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hello Bill, Thank you very much for writing to me. I have been from the start in soil. I just moved my baby inside a few days ago. Other than watering her, I have been giving her liquid BIO fertilizer specifically for fruits and vegetables. I would post the barcode, but it is in German. I guess the English version is this.

Other than this, I have been doing nothing really special. My girl seems to just want to grow. Maybe you can suggest something and I can see if I can find it here in Germany. If I have it sent from home ( the US) it may take a while.
Keel smiling Bill and again, thank you..
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