My Political Dub Lyrics


New Member
I write alot of acoustic, dub and alternative music and just wrote some new lyrics and would like to see what everyone thinks, I'm still working on it and prolly will never be satisfied. If you got any political lyrics put um here...
And if you don't agree with the message thats fine just remember art is opinion...

Bush drinks Jesus' blood from golden glasses
while suicide bombers destroy the masses
But it's not his child, not his money, not his family
Not his buddy, not his son, daughter, wife or brother
Sister, cousin, niece or mother
Tyranny in the name of God, the Constitution is a lost manuscript
The enemy in the name of Allah, suicide is the only way of handling it
So remember the dead from this war, and the dead that stem research
could have cured
Or remember the suffering who can only survive from the weed,
which the government finds more deadly than Oxys, crack and speed.
And right, there is no such thing as global warming cause Jesus Christ
never found it alarming
All in all I have nothing against any religion,
I have problem with hiding the facts behind the scriptures.

Just hide us from the truth
Cause some are too weak to handle it.
Just hide us from the truth
We are a damned race.

What happened to Dr. Kings, "I Have A Dream" call,
Why can't we all see eye to eye?
Because the poor are to short, and the rich are too tall.
Why do mothers need to cry?
And why do the bright need to sigh at another lost cause
Started my the Bush Administration, this is a proclamation
That I'm not buying George's Nazi scare tactics and I am not
Weak minded like the brainwashed masses,
hate is alive because officials allow it.
We are not educated on difference is acceptable
We are taught color and religion make you presentable.
I am sick to my stomach with the truth, the way we are going the world is doomed.
But don't believe and call me crazy but I'm not the one who let my mind get lazy.
I read the facts and know what's going on, You read propaganda and laugh at this song...
God I hope I'm wrong...

Just hide us from the truth
Cause some are too weak to handle it.
Just hide us from the truth
We are a damned race.
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