My plant got mildew: can I make RSO?


420 Member
This is my first time growing cannabis. I figured I would experiment outdoors on a neighboring farm property because I don’t have anywhere to grow on my own property.

We had a very rainy season. One of my plants was able to be harvested and curred as planned, but the others got white powdery mildew from the constant moisture.

I couldn’t bring myself to just leave these mildew plants to die. The mildew was only visible on the leaves, and I couldn’t find any evidence of it on the buds. Still I’m not going to smoke it. If there’s mildew on the leaves it’ll probably easily contaminate the buds and therefor be useless for smoking.

I harvested them and rather than curing them ( letting mildew spread in the process) I decided to instantly trim them, then jar and freeze the buds to prepare them for an alcohol extraction.

Can I get some thoughts on the subject? Do you think you can make a rso from a plant affected with wpm? Would you have curred the buds before extracting or would you do what I did and extract right from harvest to prevent more mildew growing? I know the situations not ideal but I’m just trying to get the most out of my destroyed crop. Can I eat this stuff or will I get sick?


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If it were me I wouldn’t be using the polluted oil for ingestion if my patient was ill in any way, but I wouldn’t hesitate to use it for topicals.

We have immune systems monitored by the ECS to handle just such an event as ingestion of questionable foods. Lol! How healthy are you?

Next time wash the buds in a dilution of 3% peroxide and water and rinse in two clean-water buckets. This’ll kill the pathogens you don’t want in your body and make the harvest usable.

With a sick patient though you want the cleanest product you can get.

Sorry you had this happen. I’m glad you were able to salvage it. There’s probably not much to be concerned with, but you won’t be able to learn what’s in there without testing.
I’m 27, and in good health. I’m hoping that it’s fine to ingest. I’m thinking that the benefits of cannabis oil would out weigh any possible negitive effects of toxins in the plant, if any. I’m just curious if you think there would be any. I know you can’t know for sure without testing it, and it’s such a small amount that I don’t feel like testing it. I just figured that with the alcohol, heat and filtration there shouldn’t be anything in there.
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