My new amsterdam trip, days 1 and 2


New Member
Well everyone I'm back !!!!! I've been to the Dam between April 8th thru April 22 Yes two whole weeks.I t was awsome Let me tell you all about it. Feedback, good or bad appreciated


Day 1, Wed April 8th, 2009

It was a dark an stormy morning! Dare I use it? Oh hell yah! Because it most certainly was. Dark, rainy, windy & semi-cold! Eueuwww! Dropping into Shiphol airport the weather didn't look too promising (so what) wait and see. Good weather usually follows me. So be a little more patient Hestia, let the Sun catch up with you! Off the plane and onto a train. Passing terrain getting ready to absolutely burst with spring. The air and earth smell pregnant wit a new coming blooming time. I had almost forgotten it, the smell of ending winter, My nostrils widen and pulse quickens. A-dam, here we come.

I'm so lucky. This time L. Is able to come for a week, just lovely, we always have such a good time together. He's a wonderful fellow and gets me when no one else can. I'm serious when I say that I don't have to play lotto, I've already won when I met an married L. So! Let's party babe, although it's only a week, we're going to make hay while the sun shines (as the old saying goes) While L. Isn't a smoker, that's OK, I don't drink but he will. So we each get out buzzes on.

First stop after central station was a gift shop to get a cheap pipe, then Picasso's. I had been told that Picasso's was the place to go for good vibes, orange bud, free breakfast and early opening. Well, I guess 1 out of 4 ain't bad! What a drag! Open early, sure. But why? No orange bud, but I tried another type, what kind I can't say, reminded me of lawn clippings. The bud tender had all the charm of a board! And no breakfast, despite a sign in the window advertising one. He made us feel like we were putting him out, but he didn't have any problem taking 10 Euro from me for crap weed. This place was so UN-cool I actually felt sorry for the toothless hooker.

Needless to say, we to the hell out of there and walked over to the Freeland coffee shop. Now this is more like it, good weed (LA confidential), good hot chocolate, Internet access, nice people willing to point us in the right direction, to the good taxies and what price not to pay over. While there I smoked a spiff with 3 very nice people from England and Australia. Happy 30th English!

Also told the bud tender that the rain would stop that day, starting tomorrow, nothing but Sun. He looked at me like I was out of my mind! More on this as we go along. Freeland is busier upstairs in the smoking area than down in the pure weed area.

Walked about a block to the taxi stand the bud tender had recommended and took a Mercedes taxi to the room we were renting in the Jordaan. Without the luggage, without the rain it would have been an easy walk, one we made several times through the week. But it being Cold, wet, and being unfamiliar with the area, not knowing the busses or trams yet, the extra was worth it to get right to the door. We rented a room in a private residence from a lady who rents her Son's old room to help make ends meet now that said son is out on his own. Nice room, opening onto a terrace on a canal. The only thing I might have changed about it would have been to have a toilet on the same floor, the shower was right there, but the john was up some steep, narrow stairs. But we can deal with it. it's a nice crash for two weeks.

After talking to the lady (Hennie) for a while and a warming cup of coffee, we wandered out into the drizzle again to a restaurant she recommended on the prinsengracht. She said it was a good lunch place, probably not the best for dinner. She was right. We got a window seat with a view of a canal and people walking in the rain and some good chicken vegetable soup with some hot tea. Good stuff on a cold day. Then we wandered back to the room and crashed out for a bit, to allow out bodies to adjust to the different day. When we left it was Tuesday morning, several house of flying later it was Wednesday and we were in a different country. Sleeping in coach can be difficult.

After our much needed nap & a much enjoyed pipe of the LA con from the Freeland c/s we started by sharing a cup of coffee with our landlord. Or at least I did. L took her up on the offer of a Heiniken. Talk somehow drifted to Jenever. The Dutch get upset if you mistake it for gin, they claim they are entirely different things. Gin from potatoes, Jenever from grain. Jenever comes in 3 grades, jounge Jenever, Oude Jenever which has some aging to it, and kornwein Jenever the old aged smooth stuff. L was introduced to the Dutch equivalent of a boilermaker. I don't know the spelling of the Dutch name, it comes out sounding like "cop shot", young Jenever chilled backed w/heiniken. It definitely caught L's attention.

We set out to explore in search of dinner. It's stooped raining HAHOO!! We wandered down Marnixstraat to Rozengracht, hung a left and followed the crowds to a more bustling area, where we were able to pick from several restaurants. We chose an Argentinean steak house to splurge and splurged on a nice steak w/ shrimp dinner. They had a resident cat who helped with any extra nibbles that needed to be disposed of. Amsterdam has some tough cats with attitude. This one's attitude was "feed me or else". It tried to take a chunk out of L when he didn't feed it fast enough.

Walking back after the feast, we stopped off at the Bronx coffee shop, since it was in the neighbor hood where we were staying. It was OK, I guess. I got a blueberry cheese, it was a fair buzz but a bit harsh on my throat. Also it was too hot in there for a comfortable visit. And "well just to be honest", we didn't feel the vibe in there. I' sure it's a nice enough place. But I just didn't stop in but the one time, and that was fine. Enough said about the Bronx, back to the room.
Couldn't figure out how to get the TV to work, too tired to mess with it much, tomorrow's another day. Just set on the terrace, had a few pipes of the blueberry cheese from the Bronx c/s -not bad. and called it a night.

Day 2, Thursday 4/9/2009

Day 2 started reasonably early, HOT DAMN I see sun peeking through the curtains. I don't want to waste a moment of the day! besides We are not the only ones renting space from this lady, the children of former customers are here as well, 2 boys, 2 girls all 20 something Canadians. So the first in the shower gets the hottest water . The parents are in a nearby hotel. The room comes with a Dutch breakfast, breads, cheese, a variety of cold meats, etc. Which suited L to a t, as for me, just pass the coffee and an ash tray and I'll be fine for breakfast.

After breakfast we go out on the terrace to feed the canal ducks leftover bread and to get a buzz from the la con and blueberry cheese mixed . Know What I think I'll start doing,. putting together all the GOOD smoke that way by the time 420 gets here I'll have a totally killer bag!!!! What a good idea !So we set out on foot to wander through quaint old streets toward the central district. Picked up an apple snack at a bakery along the way and wandered into Popeye's coffee shop. Took advantage of their Internet while there. Had some Kush to smoke while there. very nice high I would recommend it. And had hot chocolate! Then more walking about, playing tourist, oohing and awing at all the quaint architecture. Eventually the senses were overloaded and we could get on with our stroll. Down the street to the Freeland and the LA conn, which I really like, so I got a gram, a cup of tea and proceeded to light up. Ah, that's better. A fine high! A different bud tender today, but I told him the same spiel about how the weather would be perfect while I was here visiting. He was a dark haired man, he just gave me a blank stare. (I'm sure he's heard all this crapola before)
But just you wait, bud tender, you'll see. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

While here we spoke to a gentleman (rasta like) about reefer in the islands, etc. A very good talk, pity I don't recall much of it.

On the way out the door, I reminded the bud tender about the wonderful weather & how it was going to stay this way for as long as I'm in Amsterdam, he looked at me with that look that says "crazy American stoner"

Second stop on the coffee shop tour is my all time favorite shop, the 420. It's the first shop I visited upon my first trip to Amsterdam and I seem to be drawn there whenever I'm in town. Like a homing pigeon .Yes it's the same. It hasn't changed a bit in 2 years. Still the window seats, old cat and good dark wood. Perfect. I even remember my old routine. A cup of Lady grey tea, and a gram of Super Silver Haze, a good smoke, strong and long, as it ought to be. Got to chatting with the bud tenders and told them that I'd be in town for 2 weeks and also there for the 420, So everyone had better get used to seeing me quite often. They said "cool" Sat down in my favorite spot, the window area, and lit up An excellent high, very enjoyable indeed, rested and smoked for about an hour then hit the streets again.

There was a carnival set up in Dam square. It would be interesting to find out how they got the huge rides into place, given the narrow streets leading there. A monster Ferris wheel and possibly the tallest swing ride I have ever seen. The place was packed, not at all like my last visit, come to find out, people in Holland (Amsterdam) love carnivals and such. People were having a good time, what a hoot! Shame I'm such a chicken shit and wouldn't get on the Ferris wheel., but I figured I the long run, the people in Amsterdam would be much happier if I didn't get on and hurl on the ones below me, as I am prone to do things like that.

Left Dam square eastbound into the Red light district. Stopped at a cheese shop for a bit of cheese as we were feeling a bit peckish. Couldn't help but remember the Python sketch with John Cleese wandering into a cheese shop, but this one was fully stocked. At least with what interested me, medium Gouda, which I like a lot.
Had already seen girls in windows, well outside the district, from across a street. Being daytime, not all the windows were occupied, the first string definitely wasn't in place. I know they choose to do it, but it's still kind of sad that they feel that is what they have to do to get by.
stooped at the hill street blues for a quick high I bought a gram of jack herner -a good smoke( I had heard it was)
We also made it a few blocks north into Chinatown. Saw many interesting shop windows, and restaurant windows with once-feathered animals ready to be prepared for your dinner. Toured the big temple while we were there. Beautiful as expected.

After a quick walk through, just to say we had been there, we made our way back to our crash on foot. Took a quick nap to let the last of the jet lag go away, had a cup of coffee with the landlady and discussed going out to get a "Rice Table" at a local restaurant. To the room for a lite jacket and a pipe of the 420 bag-this smoke just keeps getting better and better....

We set off bravely, procuring "strip tickets" at the local cigarette shop, owned by the sister of the lady we rented the room from, rode a bus down to central station (we had been on our feet a lot and needed the break). Wandered east from there and caught a major street toward Dam square, eyes open for a likely spot to eat. Spotted people entering a likely looking place, An Indonesian restaurant filling up fast. They still had a window table available where we had a good view of the bustling street. I don't remember the name of the place, misplaced the business card I took, but it was good.

Most of the room seemed to be having a rice table of some sort. To elaborate, it is like having a buffet brought to your table. Several small dishes of various sorts brought to your table and left for you to eat at your leisure. I don't remember all of the names, but the spring rolls I recognized. They were the best I had ever eaten. The shrimp they had was good too.

After the meal, we walked it off following the crowd to Dam square. From there we went toward Liedesplein, stopping at the Dolphins coffee shop. I've been to the dolphins several times and it has never failed to impress me with its smoke, White Dolphins. Smooth smoke with a good clean high. Also love the decor, feels like I'm catching a buzz wit Jaques Custeau. On my first visit for my 420 visit, talked to an English couple. They showed me how to smoke up on a volcano, hubba, hubba. Now I know why flipper is always squeekin' & smilin'. By the way, we tried our first Loosa, mango/peach it was. Wow! What's in this stuff, rocked fuel and sugar?

Liedesplein was hopping on a beautiful evening. Acrobats, musicians and crowds of people out having a good time. One musician we remember was singing oldies rock, playing an upright bass and tapping a tambourine with his foot. He wasn't bad, but didn't have much of a crowd, so we stopped and listened from up close, parted with a couple of coins and applauded what he was doing, encouragement helps. Soon a crowd gathered and we wandered on. We walked back to the room from there, a bit long, but it was a nice night and I had a nice buzz.

Pestered the landlady into teaching us how to work the TV. We had figured out there were two remotes, didn't have the right sequence to press them. Also, for some strange reason, once everything was turned on you had to press 1, something I would never have guessed. Amsterdam television is a trip. And that's all I will say about it. So before going to bed, we sat out on the terrace, I had a coke light and a pipe (jack herner) , L had a Heiniken, not light. All right! Good night.
good read
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