My girl is outgrowing the tent! First time grower - Need help!


420 Member
Hi guys, i flipped into flower a month ago. Realised the plant stretched a lot more than what i've expected. Wrong move.

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Hi guys, i flipped into flower a month ago. Realised the plant stretched a lot more than what i've expected. Wrong move.

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I have tried to bend it a lil by using garden ties to have it lean over. also tried bring up the lighting to max height i can gain.
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what else can i do to prevent it from stretching further?

also why is the plant stem so damn long? How can i prevent this next time? Thanks for your help in advanced. :eek:
Nice plant
Looks like you chose a Sativa dominant strain, which will always grow tall and skinny
The purpose of a SCROG net is that as the main stems reach it, the tops are tied and trained along the net
Your options are 1]cut off the tops, 2 bend over the tops [supercrop] or 3 do nothing and see what happens
Looks like she is about to flower so she may have finished stretching now, but I doubt that
Could you raise the net to tie the tops down? It's a bit late but you might be able to wangle something
I have tried to bend it a lil by using garden ties to have it lean over.
Look up some of the High Stress Training methods. Those involve pinching the stem to soften it up and then bending over at a 45 degree angle before tying it down. Look up supercropping for other possibilities.

An example of an indoor plant that was bent over. The knuckle that formed is scar tissue.

Another knuckle on an outdoor plant...


also why is the plant stem so damn long? How can i prevent this next time?
It could easily be genetics. My experience is that Sativa dominant plants tend to get lanky with long stems as compared to Indica dominant plants. If it is Sativa genetics I am not sure much can be done. Light levels can influence the way a stem stretches.

Study the ways to SCRoG so that the stems are woven into the net before the plant is put into flower. The nets need active participation by the grower to be an effective method of growing.

also, is this the sign the plant starting to show bud soon?
No. That is a flower bud with stigma/pistils and it is a sign that the plant has been flowering for several weeks. Some of the older stigma/pistils have already turned brown and wrinkled up making room for the new ones. I am thinking that the buds should be a bid larger but it is a start.
btw, i came from a country where if found possession of weed is punishable by death(in this day and age?! Absolutely Ridiculous!), let alone growing them. So I have no idea what im growing. found some seeds in the shitty bricks i got. Growing with what i have, formulated nutrients are nowhere to be found. Any more recommendations what i can do to improve for next cycle of growth?
Look up some of the High Stress Training methods. Those involve pinching the stem to soften it up and then bending over at a 45 degree angle before tying it down. Look up supercropping for other possibilities.

An example of an indoor plant that was bent over. The knuckle that formed is scar tissue.

Another knuckle on an outdoor plant...


It could easily be genetics. My experience is that Sativa dominant plants tend to get lanky with long stems as compared to Indica dominant plants. If it is Sativa genetics I am not sure much can be done. Light levels can influence the way a stem stretches.

Study the ways to SCRoG so that the stems are woven into the net before the plant is put into flower. The nets need active participation by the grower to be an effective method of growing.

No. That is a flower bud with stigma/pistils and it is a sign that the plant has been flowering for several weeks. Some of the older stigma/pistils have already turned brown and wrinkled up making room for the new ones. I am thinking that the buds should be a bid larger but it is a start.
I have tried the scrog method. It was working but maybe i didnt work the angle out right. Also, afraid it might snap due to the weight of the plant. If you could, could you elaborate more on how to do it or point me a video if you have some in mind?

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Look up some of the High Stress Training methods. Those involve pinching the stem to soften it up and then bending over at a 45 degree angle before tying it down. Look up supercropping for other possibilities.

An example of an indoor plant that was bent over. The knuckle that formed is scar tissue.

Another knuckle on an outdoor plant...


It could easily be genetics. My experience is that Sativa dominant plants tend to get lanky with long stems as compared to Indica dominant plants. If it is Sativa genetics I am not sure much can be done. Light levels can influence the way a stem stretches.

Study the ways to SCRoG so that the stems are woven into the net before the plant is put into flower. The nets need active participation by the grower to be an effective method of growing.
any idea how long it'll take till it's ready to harvest by the look of it?
No. That is a flower bud with stigma/pistils and it is a sign that the plant has been flowering for several weeks. Some of the older stigma/pistils have already turned brown and wrinkled up making room for the new ones. I am thinking that the buds should be a bid larger but it is a start.
Thanks. I'll go read it now! Thank you again.

Btw, is the plant looking healthy? I just top dressed her about 2 weeks ago? Do i need to feed her again?
My plants get strongest feed end of veg to half way through flower
I don't know your feeding regime or what you are using but the plant looks healthy to me
I would probably feed [esp P, K], yes, unless your instinct tells you otherwise
My plants get strongest feed end of veg to half way through flower
I don't know your feeding regime or what you are using but the plant looks healthy to me
I would probably feed [esp P, K], yes, unless your instinct tells you otherwise
i use mainly

worm casting,
blood meal,
bone meal,
bat guano,
Seaweed extract,
kelp powder,
alfafa meal,

all in powder form.

I feed them once a month, about 2 tbsp for 1 gallon. Is that too little?
i use mainly

worm casting,
blood meal,
bone meal,
bat guano,
Seaweed extract,
kelp powder,
alfafa meal,

all in powder form.

I feed them once a month, about 2 tbsp for 1 gallon. Is that too little?
I can't answer that question, I grow in coco with synth nutes, but in the garden I do use fish/blood/bone and feed every two weeks - suggest you lower the worms castings & alfalfa, but keep up the blood/bone, guano, kelp
I'm sure the organics guys n gals will chime in for a better answer
i use mainly

worm casting,
blood meal,
bone meal,
bat guano,
Seaweed extract,
kelp powder,
alfafa meal,

all in powder form.

I feed them once a month, about 2 tbsp for 1 gallon. Is that too little?

a lot of that is meant to be pre-mixed into the soil which is left to sit for a few weeks to cure. it's doing well now though.
in the future google coots living soil mix for a water only recipe from seed to finish if you can't source proper cannabis nutes and supplements.
any idea how long it'll take till it's ready to harvest by the look of it?
Several weeks, maybe 4 to 6. You will have to keep watching as it grows.

i use mainly

worm casting,
blood meal,
bone meal,
bat guano,
Seaweed extract,
kelp powder,
alfafa meal,

all in powder form.
You were able to find all of these so it is possible that some of the "formulated nutrients" are available in products intended for vegetable and flower gardeners. Some growers who have the same problems getting specific nutrients have figured out how to use fertilizers meant for different crops. Some use a Tomato fertilizer as example.

My suggestion is to learn the basics of the plant nutrients by doing a bit of reading every chance you get. Learn the macro nutrients which are Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. And , learn the secondary nutrients as well. Find out what all of these do for plants and why they are used in the amounts that are mentioned on bags or boxes of fertilizer.

As @bluter mentions some of those that your have found already are meant to be mixed into the soil and allowed to break down or be 'cured'. And I noticed at least one duplicate. The Seaweed Extract is made from the same Kelp as the Kelp Powder but they are often used two different ways to get the same result.

And the Bat Guano can have a high amount of Nitrogen or a high amount of Phosphorous depending on how the fertilizer company extracted the nutrients from the guano.
Do DID live where weed is illegal or still do? You’ve assembled a guud setup. Vivosun tent but the light I cannot I.d. My first grows went ok as I was afraid to cut or bend the girls. Now I’ve read so much here from the members. Learned so much. My indicas stay small indoors. They are autoflower and are mature at 80 days. I doubt they will reach the lights. 80” tall tent inside. Read learn and enjoy the trip.
Do DID live where weed is illegal or still do? You’ve assembled a guud setup. Vivosun tent but the light I cannot I.d. My first grows went ok as I was afraid to cut or bend the girls. Now I’ve read so much here from the members. Learned so much. My indicas stay small indoors. They are autoflower and are mature at 80 days. I doubt they will reach the lights. 80” tall tent inside. Read learn and enjoy the trip.
still do! illegal and i have no hope it'll be legalise ever tbh. Thanks for your words, that meant so much. The first topping was the scariest and now i'm slowly getting the hang on where and when to top. It's extremely therapeutic. Btw, the light is a100se! growing all these are for self consuming. I've had enough of shitty bricks, so im gonna try to grow them and enjoy fruit of my own harvest. also, dont think i'll ever go back to buying those compressed bricks. 10g for $40-65 usd! Let alone low quality buds, 1g could easily cost me 60-90usd. can you believe. Cant wait till harvest day. I've learnt a ton from the members as well. There's nothing like finding a bunch of like minded people and learn from each other!
Several weeks, maybe 4 to 6. You will have to keep watching as it grows.

You were able to find all of these so it is possible that some of the "formulated nutrients" are available in products intended for vegetable and flower gardeners. Some growers who have the same problems getting specific nutrients have figured out how to use fertilizers meant for different crops. Some use a Tomato fertilizer as example.

My suggestion is to learn the basics of the plant nutrients by doing a bit of reading every chance you get. Learn the macro nutrients which are Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. And , learn the secondary nutrients as well. Find out what all of these do for plants and why they are used in the amounts that are mentioned on bags or boxes of fertilizer.

As @bluter mentions some of those that your have found already are meant to be mixed into the soil and allowed to break down or be 'cured'. And I noticed at least one duplicate. The Seaweed Extract is made from the same Kelp as the Kelp Powder but they are often used two different ways to get the same result.

And the Bat Guano can have a high amount of Nitrogen or a high amount of Phosphorous depending on how the fertilizer company extracted the nutrients from the guano.
ahhhh i see, not long now! btw, i've been growing these since 5th of March. The duration is a bit long dont you think. Btw, i have no idea what im growing other than i know it's a sativa strains is all.

yeah i just managed to get my hands on these nutrients like these yesterday! Will probably use it for the next grow maybe.

As for the nutrients i have listed above, i did mixed them in soil and have been seeing good result but i'm pretty i'm still missing out some micronutrients that's need in the soil.

Forgot to mentioned the seaweed extract is in liquid form. Occasionally making compost tea for the girl.
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