My first time growing outdoor (Advice)


New Member





These are my first guys im growing, only few weeks into it, just puttin em one here. my first time so were gunnna see what happens lol.:Rasta:

any suggestions on when to start nutes and what anyone reccommends

Thank you!
Re: My first time growing outdoor

Howdy biggs! Welcome to the site.

Nice start you got going there. What strain? What soil?

Look like your using cow pots? or peat pots?

I generally wait until the second or third set of true leaves pop out and begin to form.

Start with 1/4 strength the recommended feeding dose. Easy to add more when needed. Overdoing it is hard to undo.

Tons of tops quality nutes out there, so some research is in order on your part. outdoors in soil I really like General Organics new line of vegan veg formula.

I also like using beneficial organisms (something like Organism XL or XXL is a good product)

I also like using compost tea both as a soil drench and as a foliar spray.

lots of ways of going about it!
the pots are just some 100% fiber pots

im using just regular miracle gro pottingmix.. good/bad?

and im watering them just with my garden hose..not too famliar which checking pH?
and strains im not tooo sure. only time will tell. just saved a bunch lol anymore advice would be helpful
the pots are just some 100% fiber pots

im using just regular miracle gro pottingmix.. good/bad?

and im watering them just with my garden hose..not too famliar which checking pH?

Gotcha. Just wondering.

I have no personal experience with miracle grow. I have seen some fantastic grows done with that soil. I have also seen that soil be a little too hot for seedlings and actually "burn" them with nutrient salts. Sometimes it's best to try and see what works for you.

You may want to look into a PH and TDS meter. This will let you know the PH of the water, and the Total Dissolved Solids in the water (parts per million). Some water is "heavy" and has lots of minerals and salts. This can build up in the soil overtime and give some negative side effects. The PH range helps determine what nutrients are available, as some nutrients become more readily available within a specific PH range. Generally cannabis likes somewhere between 5.5 and 6.5.

With that said... I have seen some people grow great quality smoke without these tools but more often then not I see problems come up by not having them.

The twisting leaves, for example, could be due to the PH level of the water.

Really hard to say. Honestly, I would not worry too much. Might kill them with kindness, trying to "fix" it, ya know?

temp hasnt really been that cold either. ive never seen twisting like that so i wasnt too sure

I haven't seen it much either. Google it and I found some more info. Some guys left it as is... got some odd curled growth at first, but then it grew into a big ole great looking plant. So... doesn't look like a huge concern. Again, I am not sure.

and strains im not tooo sure. only time will tell. just saved a bunch lol anymore advice would be helpful

Some bagseed huh? Good deal.

Patience. Patience. Patience. Take the time and spend them with the plants. Try and learn to read them. Read, read, read. Get some books, and read the forums. Spend as much time learning. It never ends!

Enjoy yourself! I'll be subscribed to this grow. :goodluck:
thank you and yeah im learning slowly, i just checked on them and just as u said something about burning them up..this happened to one of the lil guys..

im pretty sure thats what ur talking about? just happened to one so no worries im gunna let it go and still see what happens but it isnt lookin tooo hot! lol

and yeah just headys that ive been thru ive saved some beans, i googled and didnt really get much about the twisting but they are straighting out it seems like..


ALSO. my buddy accidently had one and bugs and shit started eatin his so i brought it over to my place its been about a week and this is what it looks like now..not too sure how long he had it for but i took it anyways and its getting much healthier

when i first got it, it couldnt even stand on its own (twig). so i gave it some better soil cause it was bascially mud and here are some pics..


^^the bottom leaves where the only thing it had when i got it(the eatin ones)

check it out. ill keep this one updated as well. :yummy:
looks like you got the right attitude about it all man. Good to see.

Next time maybe try a different soil. One with no ferts in it (Black Gold as an example off the top). See if that eliminates the twisting action.

I try and set a couple plants aside to experiment on. Ones where I can try different techniques, or oddball feeding. Sometimes its nice to try it first hand and see vs. hearing from someone online. Something to consider.

And way to go! Giving your buddies plant a second chance! Hopefully it will reward you for it!

So whats the plan? Keeping them in pots? Transplanting to the ground?

Giving any thought to height concerns?
i plan on keeping them all in pots..when they get big enough me and my buddy are gunna put them in about 3gallon pots..i want them to be no more than 4.5-5 feet tall. so i think that should work? and i plan on getting a job at a flower place so ill have some good connections on good soil. so ill be sure to experiment.

and yeah the 2nd plant i just couldnt see go to waste! lol but yes hopefully it does, not too sure what its gunna turn out to be tho.
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