My first grow


420 Member
My first time growing here are some pics. The strain Animal Sherbet In no particular order.






So I just grew my first crop successfully. I see why ppl say to new growers you have to just "watch them" lol. The plants will tell you their needs,dislikes ect. I did not understand "watch them" until now lol. Just observing the process and learning what each stage looks like,which insects love em but are not bad for them. Crystal colors,hair color change,shape ect. Lol this was alot of fun to watch and see the whole process and then to be successful is just amazing. If I have any questions ppl are super helpful and nice I love this.
My first time growing here are some pics. The strain Animal Sherbet In no particular order.






I'm speechless friend, welcome and congratulations 👏 you're doing a wonderful job. I can tell you've done your homework. Glad that you are on here, looking forward to following to completion, remember it's not done until you've gotten it to the final product, Whatever you decide to do with this you are going to be successful I can tell already, the waiting for curing is the hardest part, after the other two hardest parts of growing, and trimming 😂 the entire process is the hardest part.
Thanks again for sharing friend, and best luck ok
Welcome to 420 Magazine @jasonpin

Nice garden you have growing there.
What nutrients line do you use to feed your girls?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Thank you for the kind words. I can grow most things so I decided to try something difficult like Marajuana and so far the project has gone well. Day 3 of drying no mold no hay smells only skunks wonderful Aroma lol. I think I hot this bur I don't wanna speak to soon.
So I just grew my first crop successfully. I see why ppl say to new growers you have to just "watch them" lol. The plants will tell you their needs,dislikes ect. I did not understand "watch them" until now lol. Just observing the process and learning what each stage looks like,which insects love em but are not bad for them. Crystal colors,hair color change,shape ect. Lol this was alot of fun to watch and see the whole process and then to be successful is just amazing. If I have any questions ppl are super helpful and nice I love this.
overall its a journey of living, loving, and learning!
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