My dog has cancer - How do I turn 5grams of Simpson oil into 45 equal doses?


New Member
Hello, I hope that someone here can help me. I live in northern California. I have a MM card so legally obtained question. My dog has cancer. I read the human dose of Simpson oil is 60 grams so then the dog dose for my dogs weight is 10 grams. I have a 5 gram syringe of Simpson Oil from a local dispensary.
My question is how do I turn 5grams of Simpson oil into 45 equal doses. What should I use to dilute. I'm thinking Flax seed oil as it has anti cancer properties on it own. I was going to get a 45 ml syringe to drawn into what I mix 40 ml of what I don't know. oil, alcohol, cook with water what anyone?
Re: How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hi Yodabear, I don't know what the total dosage amount for your dog would be but I am sure that you would want to start off with tiny amount and work up from there. Are you planning on using the gum tacking method?? This would be the method of choice. If you haven't already read this entire thread

How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil

please do so. It is chock full of info that will be helpful to you including some posts where horses were treated. When first starting to dose your dog, you put the small amount (like a 1/4 grain of rice size) on your finger to administer to your dog's gum. There would be no reason to dilute the oil.What kind of cancer does your dog have?? Tell us more about the oil you bought and your dog please.

And welcome to 420. I am glad you found your way here.
Hello, I hope that someone here can help me. I live in northern California. I have a MM card so legally obtained question. My dog has cancer. I read the human dose of Simpson oil is 60 grams so then the dog dose for my dogs weight is 10 grams. I have a 5 gram syringe of Simpson Oil from a local dispensary.
My question is how do I turn 5grams of Simpson oil into 45 equal doses. What should I use to dilute. I'm thinking Flax seed oil as it has anti cancer properties on it own. I was going to get a 45 ml syringe to drawn into what I mix 40 ml of what I don't know. oil, alcohol, cook with water what anyone?
Re: How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hello, I hope that someone here can help me. I live in northern California. I have a MM card so legally obtained question. My dog has cancer. I read the human dose of Simpson oil is 60 grams so then the dog dose for my dogs weight is 10 grams. I have a 5 gram syringe of Simpson Oil from a local dispensary.
My question is how do I turn 5grams of Simpson oil into 45 equal doses. What should I use to dilute. I'm thinking Flax seed oil as it has anti cancer properties on it own. I was going to get a 45 ml syringe to drawn into what I mix 40 ml of what I don't know. oil, alcohol, cook with water what anyone?

Mix it with olive oil an use a dropper.
Re: How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Yoda, I see you are still online. I will keep checking for a reply from you. If you are waiting for a reply refresh your page by pressing the f5 key on your key board. I love animals and want to know more about your poor 4 legged furbaby.
Re: How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Yoda, You have sparked my interest in treating pets. Here is a lynk to a post in a thread you might find interesting and helpful.

Cannabis and Veterinary Use
I never believed on till i used it, cannabis oil they say but the wonders it does is really incredible even pet have to benefit what humans benefit, wow. It's a great joy to administer this medicine to my dog who was suffering from Carcinoma, I went back to the same vet who told me Lilla got only 2months to live on Friday to run some test on her, to be hold she told me Lilla got no Carcinoma again. cannabis oil is really a cure everyone should try and i bet you, you will smile at the end. I believe now that cannabis cures pet's cancer and stable their health.

I urge you now to find away to get this medication and treat your pet, there is no need for chemo is just a waste of time and waste of money. search for some delightful as cannabis oil and stay happy.
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