My closet setup have some Q about it


New Member
hello i am new here and i will know my way step by step but now i need some help with my setup (uploading 2 pics)
Setup: 1) Closet 1m length 1.69m height 60 depth (drilled 2 holes , 1 is 100mm for exhaust and 2nd is 125mm for passive intake .
2) 400 watt sunmaster, cooltube .
3) for vegging i use 85 watt cfl
4) Inline fan 100mm 250cfm.

My Q is : I notice that my temps rising to 84 F even with the Inline fan on and RH is 30-40
how do i fix this problem?
i maybe thought to cut another 125mm hole and connect it to the other side of the cool tube so it will suck and exhaust air outside , but then how i will get fresh air inside? my budget is ran out for some new intake fan but if it will do big differnce so ill think about it but what you all think?

If ya don't have a passive vent at base of growing area, i would suggest making one to improve air flow... a passive vent at base allows for fresh/new cooler air to be drawn into to growing enviroment ultimately effect temps a little.

Humidity can be raised by adding a bowl of water into growing area, as the water evapourates it will increase humidity !
i think you should have made your passive intake hole smaller and maybe put a few around the base if you could. This will help vaccum in the air better if that makes sense. If that doesnt work you need to get another fan. 84 is not all that bad in terms of temperature as long as there is plenty of air moving across the leaves. 30-40 Percent humidity is not great in veg but it is better to be in that range and not get any kind of issues with mold and such. In flower you want that humidity low so do not worry to much about that.

Try to get that temp down below 80 and humidity above 40 for veg and you will be stoked.
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