My buds have seeds


Well-Known Member
Today i just noticed my buds have seeds now.....The strain is diesel(bag seed)

Why? What can cause this and how can i stop it?
should i pull the plant now or let it finish? Its is 4 days away from week 7.

Can this effect all plants and turn them to seed?
WTF!!! No cry face that i can see..

I did lollypop and defoliate a couple of weeks ago and caused nute burn. I changed the water to straight phed water for a few days and then put it back on half nutes, so 7 days later i get this these seeds forming

There are a lot of reasons that cause hermies. One very common one is light stress in late bloom. You may have not adjusted the light high enough and the flowers grew in too close. If that is the case you can cut the top off those blooms (which many people just do out of principal to make fat buds) and adjust the light and you may stop it. All will be fine and dandy. If this is the case you would know as these ones are right under the light or depending on your hood closest to the most intense source.

Now there are many other ways to hermi. If you are in a hydro or soil-less blend then there are some real easy things you can do that will turn the whole plant and you can't recover from that.

So some more info would help if you think you may have done it from some means not directly related to the "sun burn".

Are you in soil?
Also the Calcium Deficiency there may be due to lockout. You may have whacked them with a bad pH and that could cause a real problem even if in soil that is irrecoverable.
I love running DWC. But this is the biggest downside. You can loose a grow in about 2 days, maybe less if you fail to maintain it through bloom. We had a guy on here a few moths back who had a great grow and in 3 days ruined the entier thing. it wasn't obvious for a week but it was irrecoverable.

In hydro it is easy to have a problem like lockout occur which shocks them and they instantly hermi. The whole plant doesn't turn at once but it will eventually. Again you may just be dealing with Sun burn but you sound like you noticed this not at the closest to bulb spots.

So if this is DWC then the real question is are these independent buckets or do we have a ganged system and likely all were shocked and all are going to crash?

Sorry bro. You may just need to yank them and make brownies.

18 is a bit close but other factors matter. Were these closest to the bulb flowers?
no they weren't closest to the bulb
they are independant buckets
Im worried about it pollinating the others?
yeah so if it is not something simple like sun burn then it is likely unrecoverable from lock out shock.

Bag it so when you move it out pollen doesn't go everywhere. Then carefully remove from the room.

If you want to harvest it for brownies or whatever you need to do it fast. all of the male pollen sacs will open and drop all the pollen as soon as it thinks it is dying. You could conversely... bag it and remove it carefully, get it out side, dump out the res, leave the bag on it a few days and let all the pollen drop (you could put it back inside the house for that but nowhere near the grow). Then take it outside to remove the bag. Shake off the plant. Then harvest it.

Your call. But as soon as it thinks it is dying it will drop the pollen.
Ya know not to throw a wrench in what VI said but it might have hermied for the simple fact that you are growing bagseed. Think about it thos way, this is probably how you got your seeds cause if the mother was hermie prone so will its seeds. Its genetic in that case. I think you guys might be over thinking this, i grow bagseed and sometimes certain bagseeds ive grown hermie and i never saw a pollen sac but i still ended up with seeds. This is the risk of bagseed and why its not encouraged by most. I got lucky and found some bagseed that doesnt hermie and now i just clone the mothers
Totally correct. I overthink everything. I don't use bag seed just for that reason. Most bag seed is hermi seed unless it is outdoor. Even then you are talking a grow that wasn't monitored at all. Bag seed is BAD seed. At $2.50 a seed from Holland I will buy top of the line stuff that is guaranteed to knock your block off.

I would add though I like to make sure it isn't Sun burn which is repairable first before recommending chopping it down. if it is a repairable type of Hermi then lets fix it. If it is a goner let make brownies.
Well I chopped it down last night, I think it pollinated the plant next to it.
This was the only bag seed I grew.. Never again..
I plan on smoking this and not making edibles because it's at week 7. I'm hoping it will be half decent.
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