My Anarchist Rant


New Member
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever can not take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shal say to his assailent If I live I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of honor." -Lamb of God-

I understand that a lot of people will probably disagree with me, and this may even offend some people, but I have some ideas that I need to get out, and maybe discuss with some open minded individuals like myself. This is the right place for it right?

I hate government. I understand that it is there to keep order, and to protect people, and this can be a good thing. But by keeping order, they are controlling. I disagree with anything that attempts to control me. With government in place, it is never possible to have complete freedom.

There will always be someone in government making laws that I disagree with. Obviously I disagree with marijuana laws, but other things like minor speeding tickets or a late car inspection, taxes, bans on weapons, and land closures for off highway vehicle use just to name a few. I am not saying that I want complete cahos happening worldwide (even though it seems to me that this is already taking place with existing governments in place).

If it was legal for people to grow their own plants in their own homes, I feel that there would be far less drug related crime. I hate buying from most dealers, because they are sketchy criminal types and I dont like to associate with people like that.

The more I think about it, the more I think the world would be a better place without government. Why must there be so many regulations on human behavior? Let us move foreward and really develop. We have these advanced brains, and we could really make some progress if there were less limits placed on us.

A wolf (or any animal) running free in the woods has no one telling him he has to pay the person who owns the land he lives on. Wild animals have always inhabited the earth, and always will. They do not need regulations governing what they do in order to survive, and I feel that humans are the same way.

Passing new laws to reform the current system, may help, but the government is a system, and will always be bound by the limits of a system.

A few years back at school I was told by my teacher that by not standing for the daily recitation of the pledge I was offending a soldier who was present that would be speaking to a class. If the soldier was really fighting so that I could keep my freedoms, shouldnt he respect my right to disagree with the pledge?

I admit that democracy is a lot better system than other forms of government, but I feel like the so called democracy I live in is very much a dictatorship/police state. Driving home from work you worry about sticking to the speed limit. Get pulled over by a cop, who you are paying his sallery in taxes from the job you drove home from. Tax money funds wars that you may not support, laws you do not like, and keeps the people in charge alive so that they can make more rules that hold us back from being who we really are. It is one big cycle that has trained us to be obedient or pay the consequences.

Tell me what you think. If you think I am full of crap, let me know, but back it up with something. I will find another way to discuss my thoughts if the admins of this site do not want it taking place here.

I do not want to start a flame war, but an intelligent discussion, that brings us together to make this beautiful world we live in a better place.:peace:
Slay3r said:
"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever can not take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shal say to his assailent If I live I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of honor." -Lamb of God-
So, I'm assuming from this quote you want to live in a place where anyone can come up and kill you? Because we no longer live in the honorable world of duels. *Bam**bam*, Give me your wallet.
Slay3r said:
I understand that a lot of people will probably disagree with me, and this may even offend some people, but I have some ideas that I need to get out, and maybe discuss with some open minded individuals like myself. This is the right place for it right?
This exact forum may not be the best place. I would have put it in the Debate/Philosphy section.
Slay3r said:
I hate government. I understand that it is there to keep order, and to protect people, and this can be a good thing. But by keeping order, they are controlling. I disagree with anything that attempts to control me. With government in place, it is never possible to have complete freedom.
The question is my friend, do you really want to live in a world where there is complete freedom? Complete freedom is paradoxical. If everyone were"free", anyone could take your property, abuse you, rape you etc., and there would be little deterrent. Is that really freedom? Because if it is, then I don't want it. Is that really the world you want to live in? A constant fight? It's called the Middle Ages.
Slay3r said:
There will always be someone in government making laws that I disagree with. Obviously I disagree with marijuana laws, but other things like minor speeding tickets or a late car inspection, taxes, bans on weapons, and land closures for off highway vehicle use just to name a few. I am not saying that I want complete cahos happening worldwide (even though it seems to me that this is already taking place with existing governments in place).
What you want and what would happen are two different things. Think about human nature for a bit. Even with a police force, there is a good deal of crime.
Slay3r said:
If it was legal for people to grow their own plants in their own homes, I feel that there would be far less drug related crime. I hate buying from most dealers, because they are sketchy criminal types and I dont like to associate with people like that.
Agree with you here.
Slay3r said:
The more I think about it, the more I think the world would be a better place without government. Why must there be so many regulations on human behavior?
Do you honestly have to ask this? Regulations are there to protect others from having THEIR rights taken away. The thing about anarchy is that it is impossible. Anarchy would default into might makes right. Again, do you REALLY want to live in a society like that?
Slay3r said:
Let us move foreward and really develop. We have these advanced brains, and we could really make some progress if there were less limits placed on us.
What exactly does the government do that limits our progress? They don't let you speed?
Slay3r said:
A wolf (or any animal) running free in the woods has no one telling him he has to pay the person who owns the land he lives on. Wild animals have always inhabited the earth, and always will. They do not need regulations governing what they do in order to survive, and I feel that humans are the same way.
Wild animals also live in a desperate struggle for survival. It's not as great as an existence as you think. Also, the example you have just shown is that of an apex hunter in a community. Of course their life is great. But what about the rabbit?
Slay3r said:
Passing new laws to reform the current system, may help, but the government is a system, and will always be bound by the limits of a system.

A few years back at school I was told by my teacher that by not standing for the daily recitation of the pledge I was offending a soldier who was present that would be speaking to a class. If the soldier was really fighting so that I could keep my freedoms, shouldnt he respect my right to disagree with the pledge?

I admit that democracy is a lot better system than other forms of government, but I feel like the so called democracy I live in is very much a dictatorship/police state. Driving home from work you worry about sticking to the speed limit. Get pulled over by a cop, who you are paying his sallery in taxes from the job you drove home from. Tax money funds wars that you may not support, laws you do not like, and keeps the people in charge alive so that they can make more rules that hold us back from being who we really are. It is one big cycle that has trained us to be obedient or pay the consequences.
Again, why do you bitch about speed limits? I can't believe you are equating being pulled over for going too fast to a police state. Too many fucking people die needlessly from accidents every year. If it were the idiots who are speeding the only ones who would die, then I would say let them, but car accidents many times involve innocent bystanders. Yes there are laws you don't like. Use initiative to get them changed
Slay3r said:
Tell me what you think. If you think I am full of crap, let me know, but back it up with something. I will find another way to discuss my thoughts if the admins of this site do not want it taking place here.
You may not be full of crap. It is normal not to like having people tell you what to do. I sure as hell don't. Humans will always be repressed. You will find that it is even easier to get repressed in a lawless society. So you basically have to choose a system that puts you in the best place you can be. I still don't see why you think anarchy is the best choice.
Slay3r said:
I do not want to start a flame war, but an intelligent discussion, that brings us together to make this beautiful world we live in a better place.:peace:
maybe its just cause i smoke, and i know it will most likely never happen, but i just wish we could all live in peace
lol anarchy and peace don't go together.Anarchy just steps on people's misconseptions of piece.Besides if there was anarchy I don't think you would survive.
Current states of anarchy as we have been lead to believe such as post war Afghanastan and Iraq is the exact opposite of peace. I believe it is possible for peace and anarchy to go hand in hand, but only if everyone wanted peace. It would require that everyone respect one another and the earth. Its possible, but not likely. People coexisting and doing what they please, without harming anyone else, without a government to tell them what to do. Sounds like paradise to me.

This probablly should be in the debate/philosophy section. my bad.
One thing:
A lot of group animals DO have 'rules' and such that they follow with a type of hierarchy. Look at a lion pride.
They may not have a police force, but it is not uncommon for an animal to become an "outcast" for not following the group's 'rules'.
heh the only problem i have with the goverment one reason is, marijuana it shoulb be legalized.2,their secrets why shouldnt we know whats going on? other than that..... thers just bush that sucks
urdedpal: what basis do you have for saying that i wouldnt survive?

vexy: good point

Im thinking about unification of the world under one flag (it has a pot leaf on it)

clown: amen brother. If the current system is to remain in place, some changes are definately needed
World unification sounds like a nice concept.
BUT there are a LOT of cultures out there, and some would have to be assimilated in order to produce one culture world-wide. And how do you go about choosing which customs to keep, and which not to?

I could not personally fathom eating my cat, yet to some cultures it is very common-place. Same thing with cows... I chow down on burgers all the time, but some cultures worship cows.

Rather than ideas that sound good, but wouldn't work out, we should try to focus on more understanding towards others. Just my thoughts on the matter :cheesygrinsmiley:
I do agree with you on some parts slayer, I don't like how the government controls lets say what we put into our body in the safety of our homes(marijuana), I dont like how the government lies about certain things(wars, cover-ups, drug propaganda). They say this is about the people yet we elect some one to vote for us. And by human nature he isn't going to vote for your good but his good. That means he will vote for tax cuts for rich if he is and you aren't. Things like that. But on the flipside the goverment well more the police protect us from criminals and such things. I don't like how our government is structured and how it functions. But I do like the reasonable limitations.
As we continue to assimilate more and more, does it seem that far off to think that one day all people on earth could look very similar, with a very blury origin background? ie everyone has a part of every country in them?
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