Mutant Early Wonder Skunk Topsy Turvey Experiment


New Member
Here is a experimental upside down grow with a mutant EWS plant that sexed female.


It did not sex till much later than the others so I will see what comes of it. It already doubled in mass. :yikes:
i had a couple of upside down tomato planters a few years ago that i grew tomatoes in, the tomatoes quickly outgrew the planters so i inverted them into 7 gallon pots. the branches from the tomatoes would bend down to the ground and sprouted roots from the branches into the ground.
i had a couple of upside down tomato planters a few years ago that i grew tomatoes in, the tomatoes quickly outgrew the planters so i inverted them into 7 gallon pots. the branches from the tomatoes would bend down to the ground and sprouted roots from the branches into the ground.
They work well especially for cherry type tomatoes but I always wanted to give this a go and wow it is a great way to make a plant explode with growth! I did some super cropping and it heals so fast it does not stress any of the foliage at all. In fact I keep super cropping parts here and there multiple times a day now what do I got to lose? lol so far nothing just more branches and leaf growth...
Plant would not auto it should be full of bud and finished by now but it went back to the strange original growth. Journal is ended. New projects to come soon!
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
I have to end this one with some missed info , it was blended in a batch of full extract oil that blew my mind.... I will work hard to make a batch of oil like that again and further document how effective it is. I have dabbled in making oil for over 20 years and make tons of products that can help many people and have been told they are not only top notch but entirely unique and effective. Time will tell......
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