MT: Woman Plans To Begin Medical Marijuana Growing Facility

Ron Strider

Well-Known Member
A woman who lives in Culbertson informed Richland County commissioners this week about her plans to create a growing facility for medical marijuana in rural Richland County.

Noting that most area medical marijuana card holders now need to travel to Billings, LaNita Logan told commissioners that she hopes to have clients throughout eastern Montana, and she listed counties ranging from Blaine to Wibaux.

"There is really nothing a county commissioner can grant you," Commissioner Shane Gorder said near the end of Logan's presentation. He noted that medical marijuana is legal in Montana and that such a facility doesn't require approval from the county.

Logan said, "But I wanted to let you know what I was doing."

She and her husband, who moved to the area from Wyoming, are planning to close on a property in early October and be in operation in early January. She said that to supply items, she needs to have the client's medical marijuana card and a copy of the individual's drivers license. The law allows her to grow four plants per client. "We really hope you are on board with it to help all the medical marijuana people," Logan said.

She explained to commissioners that there are 17,878 medical marijuana cardholders in Montana and about 1,000 in the eastern Montana area. "The cardholders in eastern Montana have to personally grow or have a provider in the Billings area because there is only one known provider that grows for himself and another in Richland County," Logan said. "I would like to change that. It would benefit not only Richland County, but many other counties' medical marijuana card holders as well."

Logan said she has experienced first-hand the benefits of medical marijuana after suffering injuries in an automobile accident four years ago. She said her pain management programs included narcotics, opioids, four prescription drugs and topical creams. "I went from being a vibrant and energetic wife, mother, grandmother, to being a homebody, recluse and couch potato, unable to work," Logan said.

Last spring, she started to research the possibility of using medical marijuana for pain. "I have been on cannabis for about five months, and I am no longer taking any of the narcotics or opioids or using toxic creams," Logan said. "I am using only cannabis preparations which I ingest and use in creams."

She notes that she needs to make a 12-hour round trip to Billings each month. "I am confident that I am not the only cannabis client in eastern Montana that drives to Billings," Logan said. "I want to help others avoid lengthy travel by providing locally."

Other counties that Logan hopes to serve include Sheridan, Daniels, Valley, Roosevelt, McCone, Dawson, Wibaux, Prairie, Garfield, Blaine and Phillips.

For security purposes, the grow rooms will include cameras, locked doors and an alarm system.

"We will develop a close working relationship with the law enforcement to what we are doing and work with them to keep all problems solved as they arise," Logan said.


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